
What do You Think About That?

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways", declares the Lord. 
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways 
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 68:8-9

The hum of the tires on the road was punctuated by a rousing game of "Guess the Animal". I was it so Carynne (5) was busy tossing close-ended questions from the back seat.

"Does it live at the zoo?"


"Does it have four legs?"


"Does it have a long neck?"


"Is it a brachiosaurus?"

I gripped the steering wheel to subdue my laughter.

"Give me a hint."

"It starts with the letter G."

"Is it a zebra?"

I went ahead and gave her the round based on entertainment value!

Some days I feel like my life is one long round of "Guess the Outcome". I peer at the limited facts I have and try to assume where God is taking my life or how He will resolve my current issue. The answer seems as obvious to me as the giraffe was in my game with Carynne. God usually has a much more creative solution in mind - a brachiosaurus has nothing on Him!

Instead of wasting time thinking about things beyond my scope of control, I need to focus my mind and heart on praising the One Whose thoughts carry me into every tomorrow.

What do you think about that?


  1. Hi Shannon- That's a great way to illustrate how we tend to want to know the outcome to things! Is it ok to want to know but not focus more attention on figuring out answers than on praising God? Great making-me-think post!

    1. You pose an excellent question! We can ponder and praise His greatness at all once!

  2. You did the right thing with the are so cute

  3. I think inquisitive questions are great when we're asking them with a heart to know God more! Great story Shannon! -Blessings, Amy

  4. Shannon... wow, for a moment I thought you were driving in my car! My Calley (5) seems to think the moment we buckle up is the moment she must yell out... "Ok, mommy what's your first question"... and I haven't even decided what route to take! LOL!! Way to go Shannon! Blessings.

    1. lol - literally! Oh my we are clearly living parallel lives. When we're not guessing animals we're listening to "Silly Songs with Larry". Have one stuck in my head right now... (The biscuit of Zazzamarandabo; it lies atop a mound of you can be stuck with me! :) )

  5. Very interesting. It is easy to get caught up in all the questions. We are to glorify Him, and He will take care of the rest. It's hard to just be a child and go with it. :) Cute post, and nice tie in. :)

  6. I think you have the right focus. You win that round!!

    1. Suddenly I see myself as Rocky and the "Eye of the Tiger" is playing in my ear. :grin:

  7. Oh my goodness, the girls and I play that game all the time and I'm always laughing at some of the answers they come up with. I love how you tie it in to how we play the same "game" with life. Why is it so necessary for us to know what comes next? Isn't part of the journey of glorifying God simply in trusting Him with the details so we can live fully in the moment?

    Hugs to you,

    1. Oh girl, I love this "trust Him so we can live fully in the moment"! Such truth!

  8. Awww. I love that. Sweet you let her win ;-)

    1. You should see us when we play Uno. Miraculously one of the two youngest children win every time! :)

  9. I think that sounds like something I need to think about!

    1. What a precious response! Thrilled by your visit. Thanks so much!

  10. I think you're right on my friend... right where I'm at too! Blessings Shannon :)

    1. Heidi, you are good company. I like being where you are!

  11. Sounds like you play the same games as my 5yr old. You made me laugh with one of your comments where you said you listen to Silly Songs with Larry! That is my life in the car with my youngest, as well as talking about life lessons. Through my illness I've had to learn patience and to fully trust that He is in control, and that what comes next is all in in His timing.

    1. Ross, the waiting can be so hard but it is so worth it, isn't it?

  12. We play a similar game...I see, I see, what I see that's red and round (for instance) and let the children guess what's around us that's red and round like a ball. But it's so true that we focus on things that are beyond our control and we need to aim at much higher thoughts like God.


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