
Lessons Learned on the Road - Don't Stop Breathing

Are you enjoying this new Tuesday series, as much as I am? Each lesson builds our strength and endurance for our unique run of life. Thanks for joining me on the journey!

Does God listen to his cry  when distress comes upon him? 
Will he find delight in the Almighty? 
    Will he call upon God at all times?

Job 27:9-10

One of the keys to successful long distance running is maintaining an even pace. Ideally miles 1 and 26 of a marathon are covered in the same amount of time. For me I have no chance of maintaining a steady pace if I don't achieve even breathing. 

We've all experienced the consequence of unlevel breathing - that sudden, stabbing pain in our side. In fact I know why people refer to it as a "stitch" because it feels like you're being impaled with knitting needles. Three things bring relief:

1. Slow My Pace - Even though a consistent gait is important, I must slow down when my breath is out of control. Those moments of rest recharge me for the miles to come.

2. Remind Myself to Breathe - Sometimes I just stop breathing well. I must consciously remember the importance of oxygen to my body. That brief reminder recalibrates me to the task at hand.

3. Take My Mind Off the Pain - Some pain doesn't cease even with the first two steps. My only recourse left is to let my mind go to another place. With less focus on my hurt and more focus on other things, my body returns to a place of normalcy.

In my life run, I also can't forget the importance of breathing. Prayer is breath to our spiritual well-being. When it gets shallow the road of life begins to stab at us. But when I slow my pace, I have time to pray. When I remind myself to breathe, I remember to pray. When I pray, I take my mind off the pain.

Is your life out of control today? Why not slow down, remind yourself to pray and take your mind off the pain?


  1. I try to pace myself, but never hard enough. This was a good post to serve reminder to the importance of moderation. T/you!

    1. Absolutely. Moderation is one of the roots of discipline.

  2. Oh the wisdom, Shannon! I love this series. Yes, my life is out of control because I'm not taking the time to slooooowwww down, and pray. Guilty as charged the past two to four weeks. I have not been consistent in my morning time with God which is mostly when I have focused prayer time. The good news is, I have been consistent the past two days - YAY! - and I'm already noticing a difference. I also have not been consistent in my running because I'm too busy with life, but today I ran just shy of 4 miles. It felt good. I've missed it. Perhaps I need to start writing about it so I can hold myself accountable to getting back into the groove of running regularly. :) Or maybe I just need to sign up for another big race. Lol!

    1. I vote big race. One located in Tennessee! :)

  3. "Prayer is breath to our spiritual well-being." Oh, how I love that, Shannon! When it's all just too much, we just have to remember to BREATHE! Thanks for this reminder!

    1. Amen! Gives a whole new meaning to taking a breath doesn't it? :)

  4. Happy Tuesday Shannon! I love it when you use running analogies... perhaps because that is one of the tools He uses to speak to me too! Thank YOU for sharing sister. You're a blessing! Slowing to pray now... ~ Blessings out, Amy :)

  5. What a wonderful analogy Shannon! I love it. It is so true. Sometimes I just feel that I'm running faster than I'm able. I forget to pace myself, and breathe. I need those moments of prayer, and when I have those moments, I can hear answers I'd never hear before because I was too busy running.

  6. Great post and good timing for me as my life is chaotic this week! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thankful this gave you a moment to slow down. :)

  7. Today had been crazy! Reading your post was like a breath of fresh air. Thank you, Shannon! :)

    1. Hooray for breathing! And hooray for being refreshed!

  8. I can't remember if I commented on this post before, but I liked it so much that I mentioned this post in my own blog today. Really great thoughts. I often need the reminder.

    1. Thank you Julie. What an honor! Clicking over to see it now!


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