
Crooners and Hooligans

Luke 23:34 Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.

Harry Connick, Jr. was on American Idol this week as the weekly guest mentor to the contestants. If it is possible, I will enjoy his music even more after his appearance. He was funny, engaging, encouraging and just presented himself as an all-around good guy. I have been following his music since my college days. Reminiscent of the great Frank Sinatra, who crooned about love and life as if there was nothing grander, I find him so endearing as he sings about love and his lady. The best part is that his songs focus my heart on what's right with my husband instead of what's wrong.

Today I started out in Luke 23:26-56 which recounts the crucifixion and burial of Jesus. Even though this part of scripture contains one my favorite phrases from the crucifixion (Verse 34), I'm tempted stop my ears to God this morning and just wait to hear from Him tomorrow when Jesus will victoriously rise from the dead. Gently Jesus urges me on to the Old Testament passage for the day, 1 Kings 21-22. This passage stars one of the vilest kings of Israel, Ahab, and his conniving, manipulative wife, Jezebel. Let's see what these hooligans are up to:
  • Chapter 21 commences with Ahab longing to purchase his neighbor's vineyard. This no doubt will be a slam dunk because who doesn't want to brown-nose the king? (Verses 1-2)Mr. Ahab's neighbor, that's who. (Verse 3)

  • Ahab comes home, plops on the bed and begins to watch Sportscenter while he sulks. (Verse 4) His wife finds him there remote in hand, belittles him verbally (Verse 7) and then usurps his leadership role (Verses 8-15).

  • In the end, Ahab gets what he thinks he wants - the vineyard (Verse 16).

  • His life is recounted further down in Verse 25, which is one of the most tragic verses of scripture from the perspective of a wife. "There was never a man like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, urged on by Jezebel his wife".

Gently, I hear Jesus ask me:

How do you respond when your husband is down? Is your first thought sincere concern for him and a pure desire to serve and love him or yourself and how his mood is going to impact you?

How do your words sound when they hit Scott's ears? Do they build him up or tear him down? Do they make him feel rejected or respected?

How do you respond when your husband isn't handling a situation the way you'd like? Do you seek me, pray for him, give input where appropriate and wait patiently for him to act or do you charge ahead thinking the world will end if something isn't done immediately

Father, forgive me, for I do not know what I am doing

Thank you God for your resurrection power which is available to empower me (Eph. 1:20) today to be your kind of wife. Help me to focus my mind on what's right with my husband instead of what's wrong. Let my actions flow from a heart of devotion to you. Then I will verbally build my husband up, be patient with him, focus on his needs instead of mine and be his Chief Encourager.

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