
Open it, Mom, Open it!

Luke 24:36b Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you".

It is as clear as if it just happened yesterday. I am four, visiting Venice, Italy and standing in the center of St. Mark's Square, surrounded by pigeons as far as the eye could see. I was enraptured by the sound of their brief flights and the sight of their erratic movements. In those solitary moments, the backdrop of the world containing buildings, people and cafes, faded to black and my attention was lasered on the pigeons. To this day, I have no idea how long I stood there. It was likely only moments but plays in my mind like hours. That is exactly how Jesus wants to captivate my attention today.

This morning I was reading in Luke 24:33-53 which is the final passage of Luke's gospel account. I am intrigued by the last page of any book because this is what the author desires to play on your brain for months or even years to come. Among these final verses are three that summarize the gifts Jesus is giving me, and any mother who wants them, on Mother's Day.
  1. Peace - Jesus' final greeting to his chosen disciples was, "Peace be with you" (Verse 36). This was more than just a "greeting card wish"; It was a promise. John 14:27 records Jesus telling the disciples that his peace would be given to them. There are innumerable moments throughout my mothering days where I need Jesus' peace right there in that moment. Whether it's the carpool line that's moving slower than a slug, the clamor rising from my kids arguing over a toy, or the concern surrounding releasing my older children into the world each day, my heart needs peace.

  2. Insight - Later in this passage, Jesus "opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures" (Verse 45). Another of Jesus' great gifts is the Holy Spirit, who was given to us to be the ultimate Counselor (See John 14:16). The problems I encounter parenting my children grow more complex by the year. When they were infants my biggest concern may have been how to get them to sleep through the night, now my children are confronted daily by foul language, sexual innuendo and peer pressure. Additionally, I am a member of the "sandwich generation", so as I ease into the role over the coming years of "parenting my parents", no doubt a new set of thorny issues will arise. There are many minutes in my day when I desperately need Biblical insight.

  3. Blessing - Lastly in Verses 50-51, Jesus' final act on earth was blessing his followers. The joy of receiving a hand-picked bouquet of dandelions, the serenity of holding a sleeping child and the delight of witnessing my children become more like Jesus are just a handful of the bountiful blessings that accompany motherhood. Truly, Jesus has abundantly given the present of being blessed.

Luke closes his book with worship (Verse 52) and praise (Verse 53). Jesus has given me more than I could ever recount; all He asks in return is worship and praise. May all life's distractions fade to black today as my heart becomes lasered on You, full of worship and praise.

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