
Worthy of Worship

Psalm 29:2 Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.

A little over a year ago, Scott had a radical prostatectomy, which is the complete removal of the prostate gland. This intrusive and no doubt painful surgery was performed on a Monday. On the following Friday, he was released from the hospital and insisted that he go to church on Sunday. Worried about the physical strain this would be on his body, I objected but he overcame my concerns by reassuring me that he could be in no more healing place than worshipping in his Father's house.

After a thirty minute walk from the front door to his seat (a distance of maybe 300 feet), I would be lying if I said I was not a bit distracted as the service began. At the first beat of the first worship song, however, I was absolutely overcome. Like a flood, the realization washed over me that God has chosen to spare Scott's life and waves of gratitude flowed out. I truly stood amazed in His presence as I worshipped God and thanked Him. Scott was right. We were exactly where we needed to be.

This morning, my reading is Acts 16:1-21. This passage opens just after Paul and Barnabas have parted company. Paul's ministry partner is now Silas. Their first stops are Derbe and Lystra. This is where Paul first meets Timothy. Paul likes him so much that he decides to have Timothy join their ministry team.

From there, they travel through Phrygia, Galatia and on to Philippi. Once in Philippi, they head directly for an area of prayer. It is here that Paul encounters a woman named Lydia, who is described as a "worshipper of God". This in my esteem is a pretty big compliment. I wonder if this description truly applies to me. I decide to search the Scriptures to see what authentic worship might look like.
  • My Posture - Worshippers in the Bible bow down (Gen. 24:48), stand (Neh. 9:3) and kneel (Ps. 95:6). I can worship God sincerely in any posture.

  • My Location - Mountains (Ex. 3:12), homes (Gen. 47:31) and the wilderness (Ex. 33:10) are among the venues where worship takes place. I can worship God anywhere and everywhere I go.

Jesus, today I am more aware than ever that you are worthy of my worship all the time, everywhere and in every possible way. Today my life will be lifted to You in a song of worship. I don't want to be known as a church attender or even a good person. I want to be known, like Lydia, as a worshipper of God.

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