
God's Balloon Bouquet

Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door. I will come in and eat with (her) and (she) with me.

One day Clara (5 tomorrow) asked me, "Mommy what happens to all the balloons that float up into the air?" Not wanting to deal with delivering a lesson in helium, I simply asked her in return what she thought happened. "I think they float up to heaven where Jesus catches them and makes a giant balloon bouquet". While her physics may be slightly off, she certainly understands Jesus' heart. He delivers bouquets of comfort and kindness any place He is welcomed.

Today I am reading the 7th Chapter of 2 Corinthians. Paul refers back in this chapter to the first letter that he had written to them. Because of godly sorrow that leads to repentance (Verse 10-11), their lives have been transformed. Paul had addressed a myriad of serious concerns in his first epistle. They allowed God to alter their hearts and actions. This means God can change mine too - truly good news!

Nestled within these verses is a truth rich with encouragement: God comforts the downcast. Whether the source of our stress is conflict with others or fears, God shows up to soothe us. However, often we, His people, are the vehicle He uses to touch someone else. Paul reports that Titus touched his heart with the overflow of love from the Corinthians (Verses 6-7). In God's economy one simple act of kindness can trickle to another to form a raging river of goodness given to others.

Jesus, today, I want to be a source that gives Your hope and comfort to others. Thank you for the many You send my way each day who fill me up with Your love. Today I will not hold their gifts of encouragement to myself but will allow Your kindness to flow back out to comfort others. Today I will be Your delivery girl.

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