
Permanent Ink

February 24, 2009 is a day indelibly marked in my mind. That was the day Scott was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Prior to his official diagnosis, we had spoken of our suspicions with only three friends. We now had a whole host of phone calls to make.

At that time we lived in a home with a securely gated driveway overlooked from my kitchen window. From my vantage point, I could wash dishes, make dinner or even chat on the phone while keeping an eye on my toddlers playing just beyond the window. I was waist-high in conversation with a friend breaking Scott's news when I realized I hadn't seen my babies for a few minutes. I quickly hung up the phone and ventured outside to investigate.

What I found was Clara (then 3) holding a red spray paint can. A truly stressful day had been punctuated by some extemporaneous artwork. Clara's chosen canvas was Carynne (then 2) who was now embellished head to toe. An immediate trip to the bath and a thorough scrubbing ended with Carynne looking only vaguely like the offspring of a Hot Tamale.

Today I begin the book of Ephesians by reading the first chapter. If I've ever doubted God's incredible love for me, this passage should fade every question. The chapter calls His precious children:
  • blessed
  • chosen
  • holy
  • blameless
  • included

American Express first coined the phrase, "Membership has its privileges." That ad campaign could have been plucked straight from the pages of Ephesians. The truth is I have experienced times of doubt and uncertainty. Satan, the great accuser, loves to whisper in my ear that I have disqualified myself from salvation with this sin or that wrong attitude. The truth leaps from Ephesians 1 - I have been marked by the Holy Spirit with a seal (Verse 13). The BoHS (Bank of the Holy Spirit) guarantees this deposit and my future inheritance in heaven (Verse 14). Now that's what I call a secure transaction.

Clara attempted to paint Carynne and was quite successful, however, her marks were only temporary. God's seal over my heart was written in permanent ink. It does not fade. His seal can not be torn off. No amount of scrubbing or rubbing can remove His handiwork.

Sweet Holy Spirit, too often I forget how vital Your work is. You are the One who holds my heart. You handed the pen to the Father to imprint my name in the Lamb's Book. I am written on Your role forever. Today I will let no one persuade me that Your labor is incomplete.

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