
Counting a Little = a Lot

Psalm 77:11a-12 I will remember the deeds of the Lord; I will meditate on all your works and all your mighty deeds.

My knobby knees curve over smooth wood.  My feet dangle.  I want to swing them but know that isn't allowed in church.  To entertain my eight year old brain, I count things - rows, people, panes of glass.  I hope the times passes quickly.  Dinner after church is favorite part of Sunday.

A song pierces my counting game.  Count your blessings name them one by one...  It's one of the few songs I really understand the words of.  Blessings are the good things God does for you.  I decide to spend the remainder of church counting those instead.

Today's chapter is Matthew 25. In this passage, Jesus tells a series of stories which inspire the reader to live with the end in mind.  When we live mindful of eternity, we live well.  In one parable, Jesus tells a story about three servants.  Each is given a portion of money to look after while his employer is gone on a long journey.  Two invest was is entrusted to them.  One does not. 

When the master returns, he brings praise for the two and criticism for the one.  To the two he says, "You have been faithful over a little.  Enter into the joy of your master." 

When I count my blessings, what God has entrusted to me doesn't seem so little.  He's given me much. 
  • The reliability of the sun to return after a storm
  • The laughter of children as they run into my arms
  • The velvet of animals when I stroke their fur
  • The warmth of cocoa on a cold afternoon
  • The strength of the man that lays next to me at night
I want to be faithful with what God's given me.  The key to steadfastness is gratitude.  The two were thankful for their employer's trust.  They served him well.  When I allow thanksgiving to dwell in my heart, I will serve God well.

Jesus, I sit among your creation.  You sit here with me.  In me.  I have been adopted by Your love and grace.  I acknowledge the favor You've shown me.  You've poured out Your love into my life.  Today, I'll hum a ditty from my childhood.  I'll name Your by one.

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