
Mutiny Within

Psalm 61:4 I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.

With four affirmatives, the vote was unanimous.  We were moving to Grandmas.  I can't now remember what action incited this mutiny but we were ready to abandon the mom and dad ship for sure.  Best I recall, the Admiral (aka Dad) threw the oldest into the brig, instantly intimidating the remaining insurrectionists.  Our anarchy was annihilated before a single foot hit the pavement.

Today's passage is Psalm 2.  It opens with a question.  My paraphrase:  Why in the world do people ever think they can battle God?  Are we foolish enough to think we could actually win?

Even though I have zero chance of victory, I take up just such a pursuit quite regularly.  As if perpetually stuck in adolescence, I think that I can talk God into the changing the rules by the sheer volume of my arguments.  I have a smaller probability of success with the true Admiral than I did my dad decades ago.

Truth is God asks things of me I am reluctant to give.  He takes me places I am hesitant to go.  Is it possible to move from my juvenile bargaining attempts into a growing faith and trust in God?

It is.  The last line tells me how. "Blessed are all who take refuge in Him."  I have never walked in my home and questioned if disaster were imminent.  I inherently trust the structure to protect me.  Shelter is a place of quiet confidence.  When I choose to trust God, I take refuge in Him wherever I go and whatever I face.

Jesus, steer the ship of my life where You want it to go.  I choose to surrender.  Today there will be no mutiny within.

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