
High Flyer

Psalm 25:1 To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul

Donned in my red and black best featuring $1 beads from the Dollar Tree, I screamed until I was hoarse.  In fact, I may have out-yelled the actual competitors.  Hayleigh (12) and her middle school team are competing in Orlando, Florida at the National Cheerleading Championship.  I am the crazy cheer mom down on the floor screaming like I was just stung by all 1,000 members of a beehive.

Hayleigh's team position is flyer.  This means she's the little cheerleader they put at the top of all the stunts and pyramids.  As a mom, I'm expected to be all nervous and freaked about what could go wrong.  I just can't live up to other's expectations.

When I see my little girl held in the air, my heart soars.  I fly with her through every stunt.  I feel only parental pride as I witness her give her all on the floor.

Today's passage is Psalm 25.  David extols the benefits of following God closely.  Guidance, grace, mercy and forgiveness are among those listed.  I notice, however, following God starts where this chapter begins - by lifting our hearts up to God.

When Hayleigh is up in the air, she concentrates on her contribution.  If she were to get all bogged down in every tumbling pass and sign holder moving below she'd lose her focus and cause a potential stunt drop.  This is a major no-no in competitive cheerleading.  It garners big point deductions from the judges.

Likewise when I hold my heart up to God, I rise above the fray below.  My problems, concerns and burdens are placed in perspective by my upward posture.  I give God my all.  He gives me wisdom, grace, mercy and forgiveness.

Jesus, when I lift my heart to you, I can be nervous or I can rest in Your grace and peace.  When I choose the latter, my heart soars.  I fly high on the wings of Your love.


  1. When we are in 'an upward posture;, we do give God our all. I like that!

  2. I choose to soar! Thanks, Shannon, great post! I can tell you are a proud momma!

  3. This post really speaks to my heart today! Thank you:) my dd is trying out for cheerleading this august and she is working so hard and doing well. She'll be a base, I think. I do waste time organizing and worrying-some is necessary as Mom, I think, but perhaps not all! I can just imagine your dd and how fun!

  4. Shanda, thanks for stopping by today. So glad your heart was encouraged.

  5. Eileen, so exciting to think we can soar together - encouraging each other to reach higher!

  6. Awwwww, Heather, that is so exciting. I think bases are VIPs because they keep flyers in the air. Celebrating with you as you begin this adventure!

  7. My daughter was a flyer... so I really appreciate this visual! So true that we need to concentrate on our contribution and not get weighed down with what others are doing (or not doing). Great post, sister.

  8. So excited for you. The Lord says, "Fear not!" My daughter quotes that to me all the time. So, Fear Not, for He is with you and so are my thoughts and prayers.

    Samantha from vB

  9. Carey, now we have another cool connection (as if Jesus wasn't enough - ha). Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Samantha, love that. One time I heard in a sermon that "fear not" is used more than any other phrase in the Bible. I figure if God needed to repeat Himself that many times, I better get the message. Thanks for that great reminder!

  11. Beautiful post Shannon! "My problems, concerns and burdens are placed in perspective by my upward posture". This is my every day experience. Looking at Him changes everything.
    BTW - I was a cheer mom. Yes, all three of my girls drank the water! It gets crazy when they get to Nationals!!! Woop woop!

  12. Oh yea, Colleen. May have to recruit your lungs. Interested in a girl trip to Nationals?

    "Looking at Him changes everything" - love that. He is a game changer!

    Have a great Friday!


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