
Hold You

Psalm 28:1-2 To you I call, O LORD my Rock...Hear my I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands.

Her strawberry blond curls bounce as she tilts her head and lifts her arms.  I know the words soon to follow.  The moment this little two year old girl met Hayleigh (12), their hearts connected.  When Hayleigh is present, no one else will do.  As soon as she spies Hayleigh, she raises her hands and proclaims, "Hold you."

Today's passage is Psalm 28.   David fervently calls the name of the Lord.  He has something to say and he wants it heard.  David doesn't stop at asking; he lifts his arms out to God.  It is surrender he gains his victory.

Growing up in the church many of us were taught an acronym for how to talk to God. P-R-A-Y. The P stood for the praises we should first give to God.  R was repent when we list things we've done and tell God we're sorry for those.  A represented ask and was the time you brought your requests for others to God.  Your prayer ended with Y when you asked for things you needed yourself. 

I never really use a tidy formula, I just talk to God.  However, long ago I shifted the Y from you to yield.  No matter how long I spend in prayer, it is a useless exercise if I am not willing to yield my will to God's. 

I think of Hayleigh's spunky little friend.  She doesn't just ask for what she wants, she reaches for it.  She surrenders herself into the arms of a friend.

Jesus, I may think I need to ask You to hold me but You already are.  Help me lift my hands as I lift my heart's requests to You.  I want to confidently declare, "Hold You." in sweet surrender. 

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