
I'm Bankin' on God

Psalm 89:28 I will maintain my love to him forever, and my covenant with him will never fail.

It was a small decision.  The kind we make dozens of every day.  I didn't know it would be a life changing one.

I needed to go to the bank.  Our particular bank isn't particularly close to our house.  A fifteen minute drive is required either to the west or south.  I debated which direction to venture and settled on the southerly route.  As I pulled into the bank parking lot, I received an urgent news bulletin on my phone.  The other branch had just been robbed at gun point with shots fired.

God's hand of protection guided me and three of my four children literally out of the line of fire.

Today I am reading Psalm 20.  This passage is a prayer for guidance and protection.  The question raised is in whom do I trust?

On a trip to the bank, it is tempting to place my trust in what is stored there.  The security of savings.  A nest egg.  A financial plan well executed.  As our money itself proclaims, the true source of trust is in God.

David echoes this sentiment in this passage.  Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. (Verse 7) 

We can place our trust in people, possessions or even plans but it is only God who never fails.  He is worthy of our trust because He has proven Himself trustworthy.

Jesus, thank you for Your protection.  Your loving hands guides me even when I don't recognize or acknowledge Your work.  I could choose to deposit my trust in many vaults but today I choose the only secure transaction.  I'm bankin' on You.


  1. I am so glad you and your family are safe! Thank you for sharing your story!

  2. A man plans his heart but the Lord directs his steps...great testimony! Following from VB!

  3. So glad you're safe and thank you for sharing your testimony with the world. You are an inspiration.

    Samantha vB

  4. Shannon, just found your blog and love the name! :) Looking forward to following you and reading more.

    As I read your post, it took my breath away! Wow! God's hand was all over that situation. Praise God you and your family are safe.

  5. Rachel, Samantha and Jenifer, so thrilled y'all are here. I am honored by your visit and pray you stop by often and are refreshed. Indeed, God is good all the time!


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