
Starter or Builder?

Today I have the special privilege of introducing my friend, Patti Hazlett, to you.  There are moments in life when you meet someone and know God is up to something big.  That is what happened in my life when I came to know Patti.

You'll want to read her funny tweets here.  You'll be inspired by her blog here and here.  You'll come to know and love my friend as she facebooks here

But today I'm most excited she's here with me.  It is my birthday and her presence here is a present both to me...and to you.  Welcome Patti!

“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16: 18
I don’t want to be a Simon. I want to be a Peter. But most of the time, I’m a weird combination of both. You, too?
Studying Peter’s life, he was one of Jesus’ closest companions. He was beloved. Jesus saw things in him that Peter could not see for himself.
Can you relate? I sure can.

Peter was a great starter. Peter often spoke before he thought through what to say. Peter dove in with both feet, typically without looking.

So often, that is me. I’m a great “idea person,” but sometimes my follow through stinks. I tend to open my mouth before I connect the dots to my brain – and you can imagine the trouble that causes. I’ll commit to things I should really think about first –overloading and overwhelming myself.

I also have a tendency to beat myself up over this side of my personality. And, yes, while some measure of pause and thinking should become more a part of my life, God can use even these traits for good.
Because even with his faults and failures:
·         Peter was passionate

·         Peter was a natural leader

·         Peter had a “way” about him that naturally drew others to him

·         Peter was a good communicator
You know what, those are also things that I can relate to. I see my passion in how I devote so much energy to the things and people I believe are important. People say I have an ability to lead and help others reach common ground. I’ve been a public relations/marketing person for 20 years, I definitely know how to communicate.
How about you? Can you relate to Peter’s upside?
Jesus told Peter that He would build the church on the Rock – the Rock that was Peter. What is Jesus looking at building through you and me?
If I am too caught up in my failures, I lose sight of the bigger picture.  God will use all of us for His work if we are willing to surrender. He can redeem even the biggest failure for sweet victory. He can draw out of us those areas that are beautiful, meld them with what we think are flaws, and create something unique and perfect for His purpose.

If Peter is any example, I will take the bumps and bruises that go with the personality. I pray He cultivates the new person I am in Christ for His greater purpose. Looking at Peter, I’m certain He can do amazing things through regular people just like you and me.


Patti Hazlett is a writer whose blog devotionals have struck a chord with her readers. Her ability to look at life through what she calls her “Jesus filter” has taught many life lessons and practical Biblical application. A later-in-life Christian, Hazlett struggled for years to connect the dots between her life and a life as someone who was saved. Her journey took a radical turn after a cancer scare and a heartfelt, honest cry out to God to use her for more than the life she was living. Today, she approaches every day with the prayer to maximize each moment for His glory.


  1. Mt 16:18 is one of my favorite bible passages, along with verse 19.

  2. Daniel, thrilled you stopped by today! Would love for you to return to the oasis and have some OJ anytime!

  3. Shannon, Happy Birthday, I hope your day is sweet and your year filled with joy overflowing! Thanks for introducing us to Patti.

    Thank you for words of hope Patti, I find myself lately striving where God would have me trust and wait. I've been a Peter since day one and the process to becoming a rock is long and bumpy!

  4. Thanks for stopping by Beck and Dan (love my family!) Appreciate your comments. Be blessed!

  5. Happy belated birthday.

    I love to read about Peter's progression. He started out so impulsive and ended up so immovable in his testimony. So many lessons for us all.

  6. I don't think you should beat yourself up for throwing out your ideas. After all, that is how something starts. Usually the follow through just confirms that it was a good idea in the first place;)

  7. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing. New GFC follower via vB Hopper Mania.

  8. Love this post! Beautiful!

    Hi! I'm a new follower of your lovely blog.

    Have a blessed day!

  9. Kristen, So blessed by your visit and glad you stopped by so I could get your yummy chicken salad recipe!

  10. Thanks for the follow, Life/Twins/Drama Queen! So glad you could take a break from the drama and be refreshed!


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