
Day 23 - Perseverance for Your Soul

Day Twenty Three
Perseverance for Your Soul

2 Chronicles 15:7 But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

When you began, you never envisioned yourself crawling across the finish line. Today you’d be delighted to reach completion at all. These days are long; the goal still out of reach.

Stalled one, come reap perseverance for your soul.

Today I Pray for You:

·         To remain in the One who will carry you to completion.
·         To stretch out your hand not toward your goals but to the One who makes reaching them possible.

Today You Pray:

Unchanging God, You do not grow weary. You never tire of me. Instead You delight in my presence. Today I won’t crawl closer to the finish line, I will crawl into Your lap. I will abide in You and allow You to recharge the cavern of my soul.

My need for You is gaping. Without You I cannot continue. Like a prize fighter against the ropes, I realize alone I’m down for the count. But in You is the perseverance my soul thirsts. Together we’ll dance around the ring until the final bell rings.


  1. I just love this. I need to be reminded that it is not about the finish line, but the journey, It felt so good to say these prayers! thank you!

  2. Remaining in Him... He is the goal!

  3. " You never tire of me"

    I needed that. You have no idea.



  4. Amen love this prayer
    I am reminded that my soul porpuse on earth is to Glorify him and be his vessel

  5. Shannon ~ This is soooo good!
    My need for You is gaping. That is so true.
    I love coming here. It is always so encouraging.
    Thank you and God bless.

  6. Theresa, so true - the journey packs the joy. Thanks for stopping by today!

  7. Heidi, I love this "He is the goal." So true. When we fix our eyes on Christ, we're already eyeing the prize. :)

  8. Kelly, you may be like me. Sometimes I wonder if God gets sick of hearing my same complaints time and again. Then I remember He doesn't roll His eyes; He runs to greet me.

  9. Crystal, oooh love that - glorifying Him is my soul purpose and my sole purpose. Nice play on words!

  10. Chelle, and I love it when you come, sweet friend!

  11. The Lord has Continually reminded us this last month that His hand is in everything; and protects us, even when we are not being as focused on his purpose as we should. He's provided for our needs so many times when we had no idea how We in our mortal meager ways were going to solve our problem...the Lord in His loving grace easily resolved; reminding us that as long as we have faith in him and do all we can; He will do the rest. It reminds me that if He is that concerned with our Physcial wellbeing; just imagine how concerned He is about our Spiritual selves!

  12. Love this Shannon and I so needed this one today. :-)

    Blessings to you my friend,

  13. Shannon,

    Hi, I enjoyed stopping by your blog again. Thank you for the encouraging prayer and post. I grinned at your line "stalled one".... As someone learning how to drive stick shift, that resonates in a whole new way with me.

    Grinning and thanking our God for his grace,
    Jennifer Dougan

  14. Amber, what a beautiful testimony to God's goodness and provision!

  15. Rosann, so thankful for your persevering soul.

  16. Jennifer, lol - I too learned to drive on a stick shift. What were our parents thinkin'?

  17. Hi Shannon, thanks for your comments on stick shifts and Christmas shopping that fights human trafficking. Good stuff. :)

    Jennifer Dougan

  18. Hi Shannon - so needed this this morning. I will stay strong in Him because I know we are so near the finish line of a trial
    God bless


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