
Passing the Hat

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21

How could I be so attached to a hat? My yoke was one prong materialism and the other sentimentality. I treasured my turquoise blue running cap because my family had given it to me for Christmas. I loved it because it had “Under Armour” stamped on the front and so few of my earthly goods have such a prestigious label.

The second reason sounds superficial even to my own ear but yet I know it’s honest.

I was jogging along the Austin riverfront with my sweetie beside me. We chatted easily as married couples do when dialogue is unfettered by interruptions of children and cell phones. Midstride I heard the words of a passerby.

“I wish I’d worn a hat.”

The nudge in my heart was immediate, “Give her yours, Shannon.”

The idea was preposterous. The words passed my lips almost as a surprise even to me, “We have to turn around, Scott. I know it’s crazy but I’m giving a lady my hat.”

We jogged faster. The distance closed. What do you say to a complete stranger who didn’t even ask you for a hat?

“Excuse me, ma’am, I overheard you say you wished you’d worn a hat. I’d like you to have mine.”

No I didn’t change her life today. She was a well-dressed woman who had absolutely no need for my hat. The life altered in the exchange wasn’t hers; it was mine.

I muttered, “God bless you,” as we turned back the way we’d came. I loosened the grip on an earthly treasure and let God decide the fate of my hat. Indeed a life was blessed today but it wasn’t hers; it was mine.

I wonder about you. Is there a treasure you’re holding – time, routine or even money that would bless you more if unloosed? God passes the hat. The question is will we be willing to pass ours?


  1. This is a story I have to smile. So beautiful.

    What happened to me once: I was in the shop, behind a woman. I knew her a little. But her debit card did not. She tried, and again and again ... There she stood with a red head (in shame.)

    I whispered to her: 'I will pay it for you.' Later that day she brought the money at the door, with a delicious homemade cake.

    You haven't got your hat back. But you did have a sense of satisfaction.
    I got my money back - and eat cake with my children ;-)

    Kind regards and I wish you a pleasant new year. God bless you.

    Here it's already 31-12 (0:13)

  2. Jedidja, love that story - thanks so much for sharing it!

  3. Thanks, Crystal. Always blessed when you visit!

  4. Great question! I don't want to hang on to something so tightly that I am not able to obey.

  5. Such an awesome post as always Shannon. I admire you for that one. I'm not sure I'd be willing to give up any of my running hats! Lol! Nor do I think anyone would want them...all sweaty and all. :)

    ~Wishing you a beautiful New Year!

  6. What a great story! I love how when God uses us it is so often more, or at least just as much, about what He is doing in us as it is about what He is doing in the other person.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Great story! I love when people do out of the ordinary things like this. Such a small act, but such a light for God:)

  8. This is a great post, Shannon. We can't take anything here on earth with us into eternity, so we should not hesitate to use what we have to bless others. :-)

  9. Hi Shannon - wow, what a lesson in obedience and I believe you have changed her life, planted a seed. Only God knows what will happen with that seed. I want to thank you as this year ends and the new one starts, for all your encouragement. You have been used of God in my life.
    God bless and blessed new year!

  10. oh my goodness...this post brought me to tears! I love how God blesses us in our obedience even in the smallest of things...really it was just a hat, but to you it was more than a were obedient to His prompting, you took action with the thought that passed through your mind -- YOU are "keeping it personal" -- the lesson you learned and what you are now sharing here is POWERFUL!! Thank you...I'm reflecting, I am praying...Father, open my eyes to see, my ears to hear, my heart to know what I need to loosen my grip on in my life. Amen.

    Love you sister!! Thank you...

    Keeping it Personal,
    Teri Johnson

  11. Wow... This melted my heart! It spoke to me where I am saying give up your will for Mine! Glad always when I stop by! Blessings in the New Year sweet friend!

  12. Hi there!! This is my first visit to your blog and it is interesting to me that I should read this today. I have been praying and hoping that I am laying down everything that is not of God. I am praying that He will lead my life, that I will have no idols or earthly attachments, but only what He wants for me. Thanks for sharing this. Have a blessed 2012!

  13. Love, love, love this, Shannon. Isn't it sweet when the Lord speaks to our hearts and we are obedient?! You planted a seed in that woman's heart.
    PS. I bet you'll get another hat!

  14. This post is really making me think. I'm looking around at all the 'things' in my space and wondering just how many of them really have meaning to me, and if I would part with them.

    Thanks for the food for thought this morning.

  15. It takes a lot to do what you did. I'm sure it took humility on your part as you did not know how the stranger would respond to your generosity. But as you said, that part does not matter. Your heart opening up like that is blessing to you more than anything else. That's the gift of generosity isn't it? blesses both the giver and the receiver. Thanks for this heartfelt post!

  16. What an amazing example of God's love for us manifesting in his people. The willingness to let go and let God is an inspiration. THANK YOU!

  17. It's the little things that make a big difference.
    Jill from VB

  18. Rosann, seriously my gift was really not that stellar...probably smelled! lol

  19. Jamie Joy, "what He is doing in us" - sometimes it actually is "about us" right just not the times we often think.

  20. Audry, ordinary things become extraordinary when God intersects with our lives.

  21. Gwendolyn, the last time Scott and I left to run he asked me if I were going to wear my hat just to torture me - it's a good thing I got over my attachment quickly! ha!

  22. Tracy, God has used you in my life as well. Thankful for you as we turn the calendar!

  23. Teri, so often for me it seems the little things are harder to let go of than even the big things. Isn't it amazing how God is personal and interested in our little things too?

  24. Thomasina, Happy New Year - may you know God in a clearer and deeper way this year.

  25. Carol, I love how God meets us right where we are!

  26. Erin, no hats yet but I have something better covering my head...God's grace.

  27. Tracy, it's probably a good I didn't have time to think before I followed God's lead...

  28. Joy Page, love your perspective. Indeed giving blesses both the giver and the receiver.

  29. Army, I love it when makes it so clear He's interested in every little part of our lives.


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