
You Better Watch Out...

Blessed are those who listen to me, 
watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.
Proverbs 8:34

Her eyes dance when she says his name. Though they've been married for decades, my friend Kim recently revealed to me that her sweetheart has never come home from work to find her asleep. This might not sound like an extraordinary feat unless you know her husband's work keeps him out until midnight or later on a routine basis. 

She watches for him.

On our cable there is an entire channel dedicated to waiting for Santa. Jovial games, heart-stirring movies and fun music share the screen with a large countdown to Christmas clock. On Christmas Eve a radar will appear with which kids can track Santa's journey around the world.

Children watch for Santa.

What will my heart watch for this Christmas?

Will my heart run to the temporary fulfillment of a perfectly baked cookie, a super bargain or a front row parking space? Will my heart linger and look for opportunities to whisper my love for my man and snuggle my daughters?

This year I want to live face pressed against the glass in breathless excitement to watch for the One who fills the stocking of my heart. I pray that He would fill more of my heart so that one day my husband and children could say they knew my heart waited for them. Come Lord Jesus. Come.


  1. Breathtaking! Brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful desire to be found watching, to be filled up with Emmanuel, the God Man with us!

  2. Amen,Shannon! May our homes be filled with expectation of His Presence this Christmas! Merry Christmas!

  3. I never stay up and wait for my husband, but I guess that's understandable since he works until 6 AM. ;-) Great thoughts -- may all of us be watching for the return of our Lord, for He is near!

  4. Wow...that was amazing and actually made me weepy. I've always hated going to bed without my honey, and I try really hard to bring the face of Jesus to mind as I go to sleep or to at least say, "Jesus, Mary I love souls!"

    God Bless

  5. jamiejoy, love this "being filled with expectation".

  6. Gwendolyn, lol - I'm pretty sure you've got a great excuse!

  7. Sharon, love picturing you whispering prayers as your words before sleep overtakes...beautiful!

  8. Shannon, this is a beautifully picture and it is beautifully written. Thank you.

  9. Shannon, this really spoke to me. I'm typically the one seeking perfection in the cookie, the details of the celebration, the perfectly chosen outfit, and the other things that really aren't important in the grand picture. What I need to challenge myself with (and maybe this will be a new years resolution for me) is to let go of trying to be perfect as I would percieve perfection to be and accept myself exactly the way God made me, perfectly His. This striving for perfection has caused me to miss out on many precious moments with my loved ones. Thank you for reminding me of what's most important.


  10. Amen! I love your last part/paragraph. It reminded me of the song: O Come Emmanuel


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