

Hayleigh looks most at home when she's six feet in the air. She's a flyer on her middle school cheer squad. At a recent practice, her trip to the top reached an abrupt end with a drop. Her ankle rolled and a fracture in the growth plate resulted.

Being dropped always results in pain.

Papers served at the front door and signal the end of your marriage.

A friend who suddenly stops returning your call.

The pink slip that shows up on your desk.

Have you experienced the pain of a drop? I have. My insides rocked as my heart rolled in waves of pain.

Hayleigh's break was repaired easily with a boot and the help of a trusted orthopaedic but some drops require help from a different Source. When we find ourselves crumpled at the bottom, we need to look up.

There we see Hope.

There we find Help.

As we drop, we fall into the arms of the Great Physician.


  1. I've been dropped a few times. The only reason I didn't land harder than I did each of those times, was because of the one who broke my fall. :) The Source.

    1. Courtney, I just love this "because of the One who broke my fall." What a beautiful description of God's grace even when we fall!

  2. Oh, yes, I've been dropped too! So thankful The Source was right up there waiting for my eyes to turn on him. :)

    1. Sherrey, loving you dropped by Jesus & My Orange Juice today and that we share the same Source of strength!

  3. Wow, I can really relate to this. My step-daughter was a cheerleader with Pop Warner Cheer for a few years and I was an assistant coach. She was too tall to be a flyer, so she held the huge responsibility of being a base. I know every time I'd watch those tiny little bodies go flying in the air, even though they weren't my own children, my heart would always flutter or skip a beat and I'd say a quick prayer for their safety.

    I've also dropped hard more than once in my life. God is always my refuge and my healer.

    Thanks for such an encouraging post this morning. :)


    1. Isn't it comforting to know that when we drop, we drop into His arms?

  4. What a GORGEOUS blog! You have a beautiful family. I found you on BlogFrog and thought I'd follow a fellow Christian speaker. Here's a post I wrote on my personal blog on being dropped:

    1. Melanie, I have four daughters and could totally to your post. My older two (middle school and high school) have both been inexplicably dropped. It pains my heart and I know rips theirs to shreds. So thankful we have His arms to fall in!

  5. I have found that the sting of being "dropped" lasts long after the initial heartache. The experience introduces this fear into our heart that the situation is going to repeat itself. And overcoming that fear can be a battle. Thankfully, God not only catches us but pushes us back up and onto our feet again.

    Was Hayleigh's injury a recent event?

    1. Jaime, you are so right. I was talking with a friend recently about how hard it is to distinguish between when you should guard your heart and when you're letting fear prevent relationships.

      Hayleigh was injured just before Christmas. Unbelievably she now has a soft tissue injury in her left hand...


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