
What's Your Season?

The first fall I had four daughters, I insisted they dress in coordinating outfits. This was the one and only time they let me get away with that but boy were they cute. Each one represented a different season but none symbolized mine - I was in a season of difficulty.

Today I've been invited by Christin Slade of Joyful Mothering to share this season of my life with you. When Christin isn't homeschooling her five children you can find her pressing closer to the heart of God. The love of Christ shines through her in the summers of her life as much as her stalwart faith grounds her in the winters.

Whether you're looking for tips on how to teach your kids about Jesus or long to walk more intimately with Him, you'll find help and hope at her site: Won't you join me there today so we can walk together? Whether despair falling from the tree of our life or new joy is growing from the ground of our heart, we'll weather better together.


  1. I love the pictures of the girls; they look so cute together. Did you and hubby dressed as sun and moon, hahaha?


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