
Permission Granted

"Mommy, can have a friend spend the night?"

"Momma, can I stay out past curfew?"

"Mom, can I have another cookie?"

I spend all day granting permissions of one sort or another. My kindergartner wants to watch cartoons. My teenagers desire a trip to the mall. My elementary student wants to enroll in a new activity. Although my answer isn't always yes, every permission I grant requires my participation in some way.

A trip to Target to procure the friend's birthday gift.

A late night of waiting for my driver girl to return home.

An emergency batch of laundry to wash the swim suit. 

Why is permission so easy to grant to my kids and so difficult to give myself?

We need to learn to give ourselves permission.

Permission to step away and into the presence of God.

Permission to turn on cartoons so we can turn to the Word of God.

Permission to hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign across our heart so we focus our thoughts on Him.

Here's the thing with permission. It requires our participation. Friend, give yourself permission today. Allow yourself to slip away into the arms of the One who holds you up through the flurry of other permissions in your life.

What do you need to grant yourself permission to do today?


  1. I smiled at your kids reminds me of my kids. I do need permission to relax and not feel lazy...and always need more time with God

    1. Permission granted! Take a moment today and laze with God! :)

  2. Goodness knows that's the permission I need focusing on. I'm trying to teach my kids to recognize and honor the 'do not disturb, mommy's with Jesus' message I send out. I tell them "I'll be a better mommy if I spend some time with Jesus first." They know it's true!

    1. Oh so do mine, girl. Sometimes they'll even ask if I've spent time with Him if I'm particularly crabby! lol!

  3. This is so true. It is much easier to grant permission to others in my home. Not sure why we feel a false sense of guilt when we take time for ourselves. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Let's break the cycle and give ourselves permission! I want permission to pet Popcorn btw!

  4. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves permission to relax, not take on the world and do it all. The burdens we can place on ourselves can be so heavy. Permission to let go, and let God take over. It's a hard one to do, but so freeing. :)

    1. For sure, Sarah. And living in freedom is so great, isn't it?

  5. I need permission to sit back and relax! I can never just sit and do nothing or take a nap like my husband does. I feel that it's a waster of time and I might miss something but some days it would sure be nice!

    1. lol, I know just what you mean. Sometimes I drive my hubby crazy trying to plan out our Saturdays when he just wants to relax. :)

  6. I need permission to just have a moment ALONE, sans kiddo. Hard to walk away and do things alone, but need to recharge every once in a while. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. For sure. Sometimes just an hour alone without my kids restores my sanity and really helps me be a better mom.

  7. I know how you feel! I often feel like Solomo, having to make wise decisions all day. It gets so tiresome sometimes...

    1. Wow, you're right. Decision making can be so wearying. How freeing just to rest our minds and trust Him.

  8. Yes the emergency batch of laundry! Let's see. I just need permission to sit still and reflect. Permission granted. I am getting a break from my husband and son next week. My mom is coming to visit and its going to be a wonderful quiet girls week. I'll be able to do just that.

    1. How is the week going? I hope you are feeling rested, restored and recharged!

  9. I love this! I need permission to hang out with my friends and my husband not together and not with kids LOL!


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