
Road Runner: It's a Calling

Jesus went through all the towns and villages...
Matthew 9:35

The road called to me from the wonderland of sleep. I could hear the invitation to join her. She was there waiting. Beckoning. Entreating.

As the haze of sleep lifted, my heart danced. The road hadn't been calling my name. It was the voice of the One who always goes where His people are. My soul was longing to get out on the road and run to connect with God.

As the miles multiplied, so did my revelation. I realized I wasn't just on a run for the fitness of my body. I was running for the fitness of my heart.

As I ran...

I saw Muslims out for a morning stroll. Jesus wants me out where the nations walk.

I saw evidence of teens who drank too much the previous night. Jesus wants me on the street where hurting hearts attempt to fill their need for God with poor substitutes.

I saw my husband who ran at my side. Jesus wants me on the road where my heart seals itself to my husband's with every stride.

The thing is it's less frightening to stay inside my home than to interact with people I don't entirely understand. It's more convenient to chat with the teens that come to me than to seek out ones who never would. It's natural to meet my own needs and leave my husband behind at home.

Jesus went where the people were. He didn't wait for people to come to Him. God invites us to join Him in His work. To come alongside Him we must go where He is. He is out on the road where the people are.

Is the road calling to your name this morning? What is one way you could join God out on the road today?

(If you're reading this over email, be sure and visit to watch the video of Trevor Morgan singing "Jesus Rides the Subway".)


  1. Shannon,
    The pastor of our church spoke on this very topic yesterday! Exactly as you said - that we're called to be in places and with people that take us out of our comfort zone. How lovely to find those words echoed here today!

    1. Don't you love it when God puts a message in front of us multiple times so it becomes impossible to ignore? He is so intimately involved with our lives and our development.

  2. Shannon... what a powerful post! Yesterday... I found myself for the first time ever ministering to this woman while grocery shopping. She was passing my daughter and I in the opposite direct, we said hello.. and the next thing I knew it had been a good fifteen minutes that we were talking of Jesus and his love for us. It was amazing! When I got to my mom's {to drop off her groceries} I could not wait o share with her my experience! Your post reassured me that I was at the right place at the right time.

    1. How cool, Carla! I love how you just dropped what you were doing to talk with her. What an impact that exchange must have made on her day and life!

  3. That's a beautiful post! Thanks!

  4. I love that song. I need to make a point of going where the people are instead of staying in my comfort zone, which is so much easier (like you said).

    Stopping by from VoiceBoks!

    1. :) Incredible blessing will follow your courage, my friend!

  5. I have always said that Jesus would be at the bars with the people who know they need Him. This blog post really touched my heart. <3

    1. Amen! Someone actually recommended this post to be videoed for a Missions Organization. There are several other people groups I'd like added in that case. :)

  6. DRopping by from" Tell me a story" and yes, we should be where Jesus had been and if not we can be a part of those that are reaching for the lost.

  7. Thanks for the reminder of All we represent in our daily lives!

    Warmest regards,

  8. Such a touching story, Shannon. I believe we are all called to take that road but only a few hear that calling.


    1. Open my ears God...I so don't want to miss His call!

  9. Thank you for sharing your call to the road at "Tell Me a Story." Yes, our path will take us to different persons and personalities, some new friends, and others already ours. Letting Jesus shine through us is not always done by standing on a soap box. Jesus touches lives through us and often we do not realize it, but it does happen.

    1. You are so right. Some of God's greatest work through us we never even realize. :)

  10. I think we have a lot in common. That's part of why I have my blog name. I go when and where God calls me, whether it's our neighborhood or another state or another country. It's up to Him and I'm one blessed cookie by being so free to serve Him. [AND blessed to have a husband who prays for me and blesses me and sends me out when I am called.]

    1. That is so cool. Love that your husband is standing with you in prayer!

  11. It's always so uplifting and encouraging to stop by here, Shannon. I can really relate to this post. God has placed me in a place of ministry (with my growing Unemployed Faith Facebook group of women) that I haven't at all felt equipped to be, yet He continually shows me that I'm not doing the work...He is. And I'm in total awe at what a beautiful place He has made it to be. :) And oh how I crave running. I haven't been able to very much the past few months because of a running related hip injury. Can't wait to put that wound behind me and get back to pounding the pavement!


    1. Oh girl, I KNOW the road is calling you but the one that really matters is the one He has you on! So excited for all the ministry He has you doing!


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