
Declare Your Independence!

Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, 
making the most of every opportunity.
Ephesians 5:15-16

Before my foot touches the floor on the star-spangled holiday, stress can touch my heart. In a home where the to-dos outnumber the waking hours, home management could become my around the clock endeavor. But today is independence day.

It's a day when millions of otherwise law-abiding citizens declare their independence from local decrees by lighting their contraband.

It's a day when millions declare a cease fire on the battle of the bulge and binge.

Today I declare my independence from my home running me. 

Is it easier to recall your to do list than your kid's names?
Do holidays or a vacation seem like an inconvenience in your already jam-packed week?
Is your idea of patriotism a family who remembers to carry their dishes to the sink?

I answered yes to all three. If you're anything like me, we need to say "give me liberty" from  the tyranny of busyness. Here's some tips how we can:

1) Choose the Non-Negotiables - Every day, except travel days, I do laundry, dishes and straighten. These are my non-negotiables. They are the minimum duties I need to do to prevent the feelings of overwhelm. 

2) Make Your Steps Count - Whenever I leave a room, I find something that needs to go where I'm going and take it with me. It may be a pile of laundry, a bobby pin or a book but I don't leave the room I'm in until I've identified one traveling partner booked for the same destination.

3) Don't Go It Alone - I use chores as a way to spend time with my kids. Rather than assigning a long list of items to be completed in isolation, I invite at least one of my daughters to join me as I cook, clean or do laundry. We talk, sing, laugh and joke as we work. We knit our hearts as weave our hands.

4) Clean as You Cook - Most meals the vast majority of prep dishes, pans, bowls and utensils are already washed before we ever sit down to eat. Every night Clara sets the table and Carynne gets the drinks. I use those minutes or the ones on the cooking timer to wash, dry and put away my mess. This allows me to sit, relax and even linger over dinner.

Let's make today and every day our independence day. As we make the most of our moments, we'll live in freedom. Now that's a reason to shoot off fireworks!

How do you keep the clutter from conquering you? Share your ideas in a comment!


  1. That's right - let's declare Mom's Independence Day, hahaha. But it's so true, I insist that my little girl help me out around the picking up her cereal bowl, putting away clean spoons, matching her socks.
    I think every little bit helps in teaching them responsibility as well.
    Love your post and Happy 4th of July. Hope you enjoy it with your family.

    1. These are great ideas, Barbara. I love how you're giving her age appropriate jobs! So cute!

  2. Clutter...arghhhh it always conquers me. Somedays I wish I could just swipe all the counters and closets and be rid of everything !!!

    1. No doubt! As I age, I'm becoming more of a minimalist!

  3. Great thoughts, Shannon! I have been so overwhelmed lately... and I've also been thinking about how our generation seems to be trying to go back to our roots. To simplify again. Life has gotten out of control. Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Simplify. That is such a freeing word! Thanks for putting it into my heart today!

  4. LOVE this post! I do the 'clean as you go' thing too, and it makes such an enormous difference in how stressful mealtime preparation and clean up is. I hadn't thought of having a "travelling partner" when I leave a room - thank you for a marvelous suggestion!

    1. Yes my little companions really help me turn the tide of the clutter produced by my handsome hubby and four little sweethearts!

  5. I love all of those tips, especially the one about the "traveling companion" I need to step out from underneath my "busyness"!

  6. Love this! I use a similar system in my house- non negotiables especially! Plus, I make the little people WORK :) They are more capable than I would have guessed, especially if they have clear expectations!

    Most of what has kept me sane I have learned from :)

    happy independence day!

    1. Fly Lady is such an awesome system. I was first introduced to her by my friend Suzette of the Frat Pack + Me. (Side note: If you've never read her blog, you're in for a treat!

  7. That's great Shannon girl! I have similar routines... like Monday is always a "stay home" day... where we do laundry and catch up from the weekend! I like the challenge of including my children... sometimes the little ones make more of a mess than I would, but the time spent getting to know them far outweighs that! God has been taking me on a BIG personal journey of caring more about people than my stuff being perfect! :) YES, that's FREEDOM! Praise God! Thanks for sharing sister! ~ Blessings, Amy

    1. That's so funny because I stay home on Mondays to catch up too. It's amazing how much we have in common!

  8. I absolutely have to make my bed every morning as a sign of, "I'm ready to go!" I love your tips...especially having the kids do the chores with you. I also clean as I go making a meal. It's so much easier. The key to a clean kitchen with family, is to always have the dishwasher free for dirty dishes, and make that a staple rule to load your own dishes;)


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