
How Big is Your Problem?

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith.
Hebrews 12:2

My sister, Lynn, and I don't just share DNA but a common passion for fitness. Running is a part of both our fitness routines. So is a commitment to avoid anything "scary" en route. Scary includes motorized vehicles, weird looking men, and pretty much any kind of animal - big dogs, little dogs, snakes, skunks and even squirrels.

As she rounded a corner, Lynn encountered a nut-toting, fluffy-tailed rodent affectionately known as the squirrel. They were in an OK corral stand-off in the middle of the street while scenes from the rogue squirrel in Christmas Vacation flashed in Lynn's mind. Squirrel took Round 1; Lynn stopped running and waited for Mr. Nutty to cross.

Mr. Fluffy-Tail took one second too long to victory stare mid-road. His next motion was a spiral through the air Cirque du Soleil can't touch. A minivan took Round 2.

When I find myself on life's road staring difficulty in the eye, I'm tempted to ponder the magnitude of my problem. That is the wrong question. The right one is - how big is my God?

I'm not going to strategize my way out.

I'm not going to think my way out.

I'm not going to worry my way out.

He is my way of escape.

I have to allow my squirrel-sized faith trust in a mini-van sized God. I will encounter issues on the road. 

Some will bruise my spirit.

Others will cut my confidence.

From all I will fully recover when I take my eyes off my problem and fix them on my Solution.

How big is your God?


  1. AMEN! I struggle all the time with my trials and it isn't until I stop looking at the problem and dive into the solution that things get better and I feel better.

    1. I love how you recognize that feelings follow action. Too often we let our feelings lead us when if we'd just take action our feelings would follow. :)

  2. God is so good, no matter how many times I miss the boat, He keeps reminding me whose really in charge. Enjoyed your post...poor little squirrel.

    1. Yes I'm afraid the little critter met an untimely demise but last my sister saw he was scampering off into the woods so you never know.

  3. Isn't it interesting how a seemingly random encounter (in your case with a squirrel) can get you really thinking about life and love and faith.

    1. It is. God is with us in the ordinary of our lives but all to often we fail to recognize His presence and interaction with us.

  4. Oh dear, poor squirrel, but great metaphor! I needed that reminder. Thanks!

    1. Yes somewhere there's a mommy squirrel...well maybe not they are rodents after all.

  5. Thnak you Shannon! This is what I need for this busy days.

  6. Thank you, Shannon! This wonderful reminder comes to my email inbox on the morning where I'm worried almost to tears over my little girl who has had a "high" fever, exhaustion, and vomiting the past few days, when in reality it's really only technically a "moderate" fever. Still, it hasn't eased my concern at all. I hate when my kiddos get sick. It just breaks my heart. BUT -- I don't need to worry about her because I have a great big God and He already has her wrapped up in his loving hands. I'm grateful that her body is working properly to fight off infection. :)

    Blessings friend!

    1. What an amazing shift in perspective. I too worry about my kiddos when they're sick. It is so powerful to rest in His strength.

  7. Shannon... I love how just changing your question changes perspective on your circumstance. Great message and reminder.

    1. For sure. The smallest step towards godly thinking makes big changes in the rhythm of our day.

  8. Avoid scary - I love that -- and sorry about Mr. nutty squirrel. There are many things we need to avoid in life, and identifying what is scary is a good choice. Run to that safe place where our Father God is ready to take us in His arms. Thank you for sharing at "Tell Me a Story Blog Party."

  9. Replies
    1. Jennifer, welcome to the oasis! So thankful you stopped by. I pray you were refreshed!

  10. Very inspiring and uplifting post. Thanks foe sharing. And yes, God is good all the time and He is sooo big in my heart.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! Celebrating His greatness with you!

  11. It's so hard to not let others "cut your confidence". You just need to know you can do it and keep believeing in yourself no matter what. I am proud that you are running - I need to tart again!

  12. I never question how big my God is. I DO question how confident I am in my own everyday spiritual warfare and how I'm recognizing and turning quickly and faithfully to Him and not just pulling back, jerking. THEN I DO turn to Him and worship and praise and bring myself to that "Trust Zone", my "Safe forever" zone. Thanks for making me think about this important phase of spiritual life.

    1. Isn't it amazing how worship redirects our thoughts?


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