
Additional Capacity

It's been seven years.

Seven years of repairmen, loads that took five cycles to dry and rusted appliances.

It's been 2,555 days.

Two thousand five hundred fifty five days of near daily laundry.

When Scott and I combined our households in 2004, I brought a circa 1993 washer/dryer set and he brought 1996. By virtue of age alone his pair won. The next year our family blossomed from 4 to 5. Soon there after it expanded to 6. 

Clara brought an extraordinary supply of excitement and joy to our family but somehow her tiny little body managed to send me over the laundry edge. My several day a week job became daily. Our nearly two decade old washer and dryer just couldn't keep up. It tried for 7 years but recently our dryer's ninth life expired. It was time to send our set to appliance heaven (our church's appliance ministry refurbishes them for use by inner city residents).

My new set isn't just shiny, new and a oh-so-soothing hue of blue. They have mind-blowing capacity. A job I used to do daily now only requires a few hours a couple days a week. Their expanded capacity has given my life additional capacity.

Capacity. I crave it. I long for additional time, energy and strength.

Capacity gives us the freedom to say no to additional commitments and yes to our families.

Capacity gives us the strength to say no to striving and yes to rest.

Capacity gives us the fortitude to say no to lesser things and yes to Jesus.

Do you ever find yourself begging God for capacity? I do and He rarely honors my request. I think it's because He knows I'd squander the gift. A few years ago I realized I didn't need more capacity, I needed more of Him.

Time with Him gave me the freedom, strength and fortitude to live an upside-down life - one which naturally creates capacity.

Is your life stuck on spin cycle? Let time with Him wash over your day and give your life additional capacity.


  1. i rent and have no washer or dryer at all, i long for one of my own. but really i just try to remember to be grateful for what i have, that the ones that are available to me are just a few steps away and i can cram a whole lot into one load!

  2. Shannon... congrats on the new w/d! Funny how we get soooo excited over new appliances. "He" always has His own plan for our capacity and never gives us more than we can handle. In our home we've been saying.. With His will and in His time. :) Grace, peace and many, many bigger capacity blessings!! Carla

    1. It really is amazing. It's like having a hired helper or something. :)

  3. Just found your blog and - I have to say - lovely blog post. My wife and I are expecting our first child in about two weeks. When I found out, I had just been laid off from the Air Force Reserve Public Affairs department. While I had loads of capacity (being unemployed will do that to you), I knew that this new addition to our family would change that.
    I also knew I needed a job.
    Seeing as the economy is not so good, I couldn't find a job with my degree in mind. Thus, I began cleaning pools for a local company. It can be long hours and hard work, so I'm kind of nervous about the time constraints when our son arrives.
    I know it's only one child, that there are families (like yours) that see our small unit and would laugh at my worries, but it's still a bit nerve wracking.
    I'm learning to trust God, though... even with the stress and worry and doubt. And it gives me excitement and joy about the days ahead.

    1. Adam, I am so impressed by your desire to provide for your family and your willingness to do whatever it takes to do so. I am praying for God's strength, provision and peace as you wait for this precious arrival.

  4. Good morning, Shannon,

    I'm sipping coffee and popping over. How fun to hear more of your family's story. I also appreciated your line "thought I needed more capacity, but I really needed more of him..."

    I'm glad you found my tips on "Shattering Public Speaking Jitters" helpful. :)

    Jennifer Dougan

    1. Oh Jennifer they were just great. Public speaking is a common fear for so many of us and even though I do it as a part of my ministry I'd be lying if I said I didn't get nervous.

  5. Hi Shannon - wow, such a great post. It more of Him and less of me that I need. Great reminder
    God bless

  6. Oh laundry and how it steals my capacity...haha...well, I would have to actually DO the laundry for that to happen. It seems there are days when I think, "wow, didn't I just do laundry?" while my kids are complaining they don't have any clean pajamas to wear. Having girls who love to play dress up in their real clothes instead of their play clothes doesn't help matters either. But you're so right. I've found the more I lean into God and make prayerful choices for His glory, the more capacity I seem to have. :) The key there is making good choices...(ahem) which is why the laundry isn't done yet. Haha...just kidding.

    1. No joke. Sometimes I swear they wear like 10 or 12 outfits a day. :) Recently I implemented new "What we're wearing for the next seven days" racks in my two little ones' room. Every Sunday we pick out the seven outfits they'll wear for the next week and that way they don't empty their drawers dressing in the morning. It's helped with organization and laundry. Hooray!


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