
Against All Odds

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, 
who for the joy set before him endured the cross, 
scorning its shame, 
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2

I set out Tuesday morning to achieve a summer 2012 PR (personal record) for my 5K running course. I closed the garage to a cloudy 75 degree sky with a slim (10%) chance of rain. My chances of PR went from good to great.

Less than one mile in, 100% of droplets began to fall on my 10% chance of rain run.  As I crested my big hill, my shoe lace which has never come untied flopped open. My chances of a PR went from slim to none. 

But I didn't stop running. I touched my garage door at 28 minutes, 46 seconds. Against all odds, I set a summer 2012 PR.

This got me thinking about living life against the odds. 

According to Barna Research, there's a 3 in 5 chance my kids will abandon the church. When the shoestrings of popularity or peer pressure trip up my daughters, will I teach them to abandon their faith or live against the odds a life of faith and reckless abandon

There is a 2 in 3 chance my marriage will end in divorce. When rain falls on my marriage, will I stand against the odds and allow the only "D" word to pass my lips be dear? 

It is possible to live a life against the odds. Because...

Against the odds, Jesus came and lived the only perfect life.

Against the odds, Jesus crawled up on a cross and claimed my sin, your sin, our sin.

Against the odds I set a PR Tuesday morning. Against the odds, we run this race of life with endurance and finish well done.

What odds are against you? What are you doing to beat the odds?


  1. Love this friend! Running this race against the odds with you! So blessed to have connected with you! Hope you're day is fantastic!

    1. Thanks, Wendy. It's already great because I got to see your smiling face!

  2. Read to your children stories of Job who refused to turn his back on God, even when his wife urged him to, and his friends were no comfort. Read to them of Daniel who refused to eat the kings meat, and his friends who refused to bow down. Let your children make their own decisions now and perhaps talk about wise choices. There comes a time when you must release them, to sadly make mistakes. Years ago, my son said, girl friend and I are buying a house together - - - and I told him that I did not agree with his choices but that I did love him and would pray that he have wisdom. He learned sadly from his mistakes, and is still making some but - - - at least he is married and attending church.

  3. i love this..... live against the odds! Mine is depression. many times my answer is climb in bed, cover my head and hide. I am very grateful for tools to combat my go to, which, no longer works. if by some chance I succumb ... I do not stay there for long.

    1. Amy, what wonderful victory you are experiencing day by day. So thankful you are willing to fight (and win!)

  4. I love the line on marriage. Great outlook!

  5. Congrats on the running achievement :). You made it despite the odds.
    As for me, I often feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. Then again, maybe it's just me. Maybe things aren't really that bad, it's just my perspective on life that's all screwed up.
    Battling the odds...that's something I will think about today. Thanks once again for the inspiration, Shannon :)

    1. Beat those odds, girl. I'm cheering for you!

  6. Love this Shannon! And those odds with the kiddos is frightening to me. I need to increase the prayers on that issue. I'd say that's honestly one topic that truly makes me uncomfortable to consider. My husband's oldest just turned 24 and while she was raised in the church up until her parents divorced (he didn't force it on her after that because he was overcompensating for her pain) she has decided to date someone of the extreme opposite and claims she doesn't believe in God. We have been praying this is just a silly phase she's going through, but are concerned that it's not. That is my worst nightmare for my own children.

  7. Hmmm...I'm growing a small business in a great depression. Odds are I will fail in my first 5-10 years, so we'll see! I'm not one to give up though, like you:) That is so awesome on your PR!!

  8. I think it's so great that you broke your PR. And you are so right. So much of our Christian lives are against all odds. That's when God is God, isn't it?

    1. Absolutely. That's when He steps in and shows up big!


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