
Breathless Moments

Yet a time is coming and has now come 
when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, 
for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
John 4:23

The moonlight danced with her skin as she hugged closer to me. In a half-conscious state of euphoria, she took her time eating. Joy slowed the clock as I absorbed every detail of my newborn baby. Never had I witnessed such beauty. 

It took my breath away.

She slid a masterpiece onto our table. The platter contained her creation, a pasta dish unlike any I'd ever seen. The first bite confirmed she was no ordinary cook. My young teen blended flavors like shades of a rainbow.

It took my breath away.

I watched her come alive as she spoke of Him. Using simple, understandable words, she introduced four and five year olds to her best friend. Each face glowed with rapt attention, drinking from the fountain of hope and life she offered. Some faces were fresh with play; others weathered by adult worry. All understood God's grace in a deeper way.

It took my breath away.

Hannah Teaching the Gospel at a Mission VBS
Hannah is no ordinary teenager. She and her friends prefer Disney to teen drama. They dream of marriage and ministry instead of mischief. Hannah isn't waiting to live out her calling. She lives a life of passion and purpose at sixteen.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus took a side trip to chat with a woman at a well whose soul was bone dry. He offered her life-changing truth and life-enfusing hope - Himself. In a single day she went from town harlot to town evangelist. She didn't wait to live out her calling. She chose a life of passion and purpose.

Jesus told her God seeks out worshipers whose message is lived in heart places and foot spaces. These worshipers are living testimonies of God's grace. They don't wait to live out their calling. They choose passion and purpose.

Hannah's life challenges me. Do I let fear, worry or regret sideline me? Hannah teaches me passion and purpose isn't something you's something you are when you trust God and live your calling now. I think Jesus still take side trips. He sits at the table of our hearts and offers us Living Water - a common, everyday, extraordinary living.

The Spirit of God breathes life into ordinary moments. Let's dare to live a life of passion and purpose today. It might just take our breath away.

Is passion and purpose written on the pages of your day? Don't wait to live out your calling.


  1. Replies
    1. Awwww, thanks Kendal. Hope your day is filled with breathless moments.

  2. Absolutely beautiful Shannon... a mutual inspiration I'm sure for mother and daughter. Yes, I want to live out fully, as I reflect on my day today! ~ Night from Maine, Amy :)

    1. I'm amazed every day by all I learn through my children. I just keep praying for a teachable heart.

  3. Awesome blog. Blog telling about purpose of living. Thanks for sharing such kinds of awesome blog.

    1. Thanks for your visit. I pray you were refreshed here.

  4. Great to hear they still love Disney. You wouldn't believe the grief my girls take for actually caring about such things instead of whatever nonsense is brewing as the latest teenage drama/fad.

    Peter Pan would be horrified by all these grown-up kids these days. The worst part is that we end up with grown-ups who don't know how to be kids.


    1. Just yesterday one of my kids remarked that a certain brand name backpack was required to be a "cool kid" at school. Her attitude was if I have to buy friends, they aren't friends.

      I wanted to shout amen!

  5. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks for visiting. I'm always blessed by your presence here!

  6. First, what a great tribute to your daughter. Second, what a great mom you are to have raised such an extraordinary girl! Third, how great is God to have blessed your family with her?

    1. You are so right. It almost seems unfair to be blessed this much doesn't it? I tease her younger sisters that she makes parenting a teen look easy. I'm probably really in for it, right? :)

  7. Shannon,
    This is such a heart-warming post. I feel the same way about my son, who says his greatest accomplishment in high school was teaching the large group lesson at our 4th-6th grade summer camp after junior year. He considers it greater than academic scholarships, piano competitions won and straight A's on his report card.

    I can't wait to see what happens as his heart continues to grow at Samford next year. Umm... make that in two weeks!

    1. I am praying for him and you as he makes this transition. I know God has great plans for his life!

  8. so sweet! my children inspire me as well and it's such a proud moment when you realize that, they as humans, as individuals, not just because they are your children, can evoke such inspiration.

    1. Absolutely. It's amazing to watch God work in her and through her to impact other people.

  9. Absolutely eloquent! Put so real. Thank you

  10. You must be so proud of your daughter. I hope our kids turn out as well.

    1. Pray, pray, pray. I'm no parenting expert. How she turned out is all God's grace!

  11. I love the innocence of children. Mine still see the world in black and white. I hope that when they are teenagers they will make me proud with their choices.

    1. I bet the little chefs make their mommy proud!

  12. What a wonderful girl you have. It sounds like you did something right. I've lived (almost) every day of my life with passion and purpose, and people who know me believe I will do anything I decide to do, no matter how hard it seems. It is truly a rewarding way to live.

    1. Wow, Claire, you are definitely an inspiration!

  13. what an inspiration--I know my teen years as a Christian were the toughest-- and seeing many of the teens in our church I'm not the only one--powerful to see such faith and the willingness to follow GOD now =)

    1. Absolutely. I too had it very rough during the teen years and it thrills my heart to watch her make different choices.


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