
To Infinity and Beyond

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:11

It was one of those moments. Trapped at the stove and knew if I budged my effort at a home cooked meal would implode, I heard the sound of candy wrappers in the other room. I wished I were Elastagirl, then I could continue to stir while I elongated my body to wrap around the corner and catch the perpetrator in the act. Someone was breaking the no snacks before dinner rule. 

Me & My Super Man
Come to think of it, if I had superhero powers my parenting might improve on a number of levels. X-ray vision would prove handy to check what my teen watched during her slumber party. I could fly to the front of the carpool line and back home again. When one of my kids found a wet garment in the washer they desired to wear that day, I’d utilize my super speed to run around the block and dry it in plenty of time for school. 

While my powers would make parenting a great deal more fun, I’d likely abuse them. The real corner I long to see around is the corner of my life. It would be far easier to follow God if I could just see where He was leading me.

I don’t really need those powers. God has the vision to plot my course and the wisdom to lead my way. All I need is just enough faith to take one step. God blossoms my tiny seed of faith into far more than I can imagine. 

Today I may not be able to use my “lasso of truth” to pull a confession from my child, but I can confess to Jesus my absolute need of Him. I may not possess superhuman strength, but I can choose to draw my strength from God. I may not be able to command nature to do my bidding, but I can rely on the One who does.

What in your life today needs some super power? Let's look to God to draw our strength.


  1. I have always wanted a lasso of truth! That has got to be the best super power ever.

    1. For sure. No chance of our kids lying with that one! :)

  2. I don't think I'd want to know the future because it might alter so many other things (because of how I could react).

    It's funny you used 'lasso of truth' as a parenting term. It's actually more than a small bit of comfort to know God has that lasso of truth with us. It's so much easier to have a relationship when you KNOW nothing is between you and whomever you are trying to have the relationship with...and with God, there is nothing between you to stop communication because you know HE has the lasso of truth. Nothing we can say is not already the hard part of communicating with him has already been exacted.

    I liked your post. I always like your posts. :)

    1. Rosey, that is an incredible thought, my friend. I'm picturing Him with a lasso of truth right now gently keeping our communication lines clear. :)

  3. Well I got all excited day dreaming about super powers, but you brought be back to reality, "God has the vision to plot my course and the wisdom to lead my way". But that lasso would be really cool!

    1. Christopher would no doubt have something funny to say about it!

  4. Shannon... where do I sign up?! Seriously! I would get so much done. Grace, peace and blessings, Carla

    1. lol - we could form our own "league". Remember when the SuperFriends came on Saturday mornings and they met at the Justice League?

  5. True--no matter how hard I try, I can never figure things out or do enough to make things "just right." I HAVE to trust God--there's just no other way to be at peace, relaxed, and find His joy!

  6. Sometimes life as a parent really makes you wish for superpowers! Today I wish I could cook a meal with just my eyes.

    1. lol - literally. I can just picture you cooking a roast with your laser eyes! :)

  7. I really do wish I had super powers some days; mostly to split myself in 3 so that I could spend time individually with each of my 3.
    Today...I need a prayer Shannon. My girlfriend's father went in for heart surgery yesterday and things have taken a turn for the worse.

    1. Oh Susan, I'm praying for you right now.

      Father, you are the author of peace and comfort. We run to you right now on behalf of Susan's friend and her dad. Bring Your presence to the family. Give them strength for this journey and pervade Susan with all she needs as she ministers to her friend.

  8. Hmmm...what superpower? My family (hubby and daughters) have a love for all things superhero...hence the Christian SUPERMOM. Now you know my nerd secret. Lol! (It's actually how I view the Wife of Noble Character, too.) Anyway, we always talk about what superpowers we would want to have. Honestly, I would want the power to slow or stop time. Most days I feel like life passes me by in a heartbeat and with my daughters growing so fast, I'd really love to slow things down...enjoy them more...enjoy life more...slow down to see God in every little detail around me...stare into my husband's eyes a little longer...

    But I'm a runner. It's a pure blessing and joy - until I let it parallel life and I run from one thing to the next, missing the stuff that's truly meaningful.

    1. Ooooh slowing down time. I love that one! :)

  9. The good news is we CAN live supernaturally! We just don't get the exact powers we want. Cute pic of your hubby. Superman's theme is my husband's ringtone since I am Wonder Woman (that's MY ringtone!)

  10. Absolutely. We can live supernaturally and victoriously. Isn't he awesome!

    (Great rings tones - that's hilarious!)


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