
Don't Wait for Marriage...

We don't want our daughters to wait until marriage. In fact we don't even want them to wait until the second date. We want them to go all the way with Jesus today.

Our kids spend much of their lives waiting - waiting for summer to end, waiting to get to high school, waiting to get their license or waiting for graduation. I sometimes wonder if all this waiting makes them reticent to dive into faith heart first. 

If you like me, want your kids to have a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus today and not wait for tomorrow, join me today at Encouragement Cafe to find out how...


  1. THIS title certainly caught my attention! OK, I'm off to Encouragement Cafe.

  2. Wonderful spin girlfriend! Oh' if God can grace us with the understanding to show them what going all the way with God looks like! ~ Blessings and thanks, Amy :)


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