
I Bet You Can't Get Up Here

Come and see what God has done, 
how awesome his works in man’s behalf!
Psalm 66:5

"I bet you can't get up here." Clara's sweet voice called down to me and urged my heart up to hers. Never one to back down from a dare, I bravely climbed the rope ladder to join she and Carynne at the top of the playground. 

From my new height I gained new perspective. I saw farther. I soaked in the layout of their school and playground. Things look different when you get off the ground.

Do you ever find yourself wanting to go deeper and farther with God but are afraid to take that next step of faith? What if I dared you... 

I bet you can't get up here.

No matter how uncertain the footing of our climb, God is with us. When we reach that new height with God, our perspective changes. We see our situation more clearly. We see beyond our current problem to what could be. Things look different when you get off the ground.

When we climb higher with God, we see what He has done - how He has worked on our behalf. Come with me...and see what God has done.

In what situation do you need fresh perspective? Will you allow me dare you...I bet you can't get up here?


  1. Love this post today, Shannon! The view from down here can get cloudy, weary. I needed this reminder to "lift my eyes to the hills"!

  2. this trust. so hard. but the joy of the top? unbeatable.

    1. It's an amazing view wherever I am as long as He is with me. :)


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