
Counting...on God

She skips over plush carpet and past the collection of spoons gathered from travels worldwide. The almost irresistible urge to strum them like wind chimes passes over her but self-preservation glues her arms southward. She's on a mission to impress her grandparents. 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...97, 98, 100. 

The memory of myself so excited to exhibit my counting talent is burned on my brain as if this scene unfolded three days instead of over three decades ago. I was nearly eight on my way from Seattle to Wichita and also embarking on a trip from one label to another. In Seattle they thought me slow and I think had I been on the assessment team I would have agreed. At five, the same roll call tumbles off Carynne's tongue like the names of old friends. 

But something shifted when my feet danced onto Kansas soil. Like wheat shooting out of the plains as a rocket, my new teacher saw different seeds planted in the soul of my mind. She donned me gifted instead. 

What a difference a summer makes.

This morning I returned from a week's vacation at the beach. Someone in the family was sick every day of our trip. I finished the half marathon I ran there in more time and with less energy than I'd planned. I fell far short of my reading goal. I wanted to label my trip failure.

But something shifted when I sifted my trip through God's hands. Like corrective lenses He infused my perspective with gratitude. Illness required me to rest all week and just be with the ones I love. Reaching the finish line on four hours of sleep and while running a fever, gave me a wider peak at accomplishing the impossible by relying on God. Falling short of my goals reminded me of my absolute dependence on God. My vacation was a stunning success.

What a difference a few moments with God makes.

As I think about counting and about the power of gratitude I wonder. 

What would happen in our lives if we counted on God and His faithfulness more than our ability or accomplishments?

How would our lives change if we named 100 of His kindnesses instead of even 1 of our problems?

What are you counting on today? How would this day be different if you counted on God instead?


  1. What would happen indeed! I much prefer resembling a talented put-together woman than a needy mess. But I know the truth about myself and who God is really using. He can have this vessel and I'll take his power any day! Glad you saw glimpses of his grace in the unexpected of your vacation.

    1. Oh girl I love this "I know the truth about myself and who God is really using." Powerful!

  2. I love how you quickly changed your perspective. In every circumstance God has provided a gift. :)

  3. I said, "Wow" after "she donned me gifted". And I love this line,"How would our lives change if we named 100 of His kindnesses instead of even 1 of our problems?" You always leave me with something to ponder. Thank you! ;-)

    1. Amazing what a shift in perspective makes, huh?

  4. Incredible post! We can all use a daily lesson in gratitude. Congrats on the marathon!

  5. I can certainly relate to how you felt in the race - I did a 25km race two weeks ago after being sick for three days and still feeling not so great. But I did it. A little slower than what I would have liked, but finishing it can never be counted as a failure. And it just made me more determined to do better in the half marathon last weekend:) So now two non-failures:)
    Thanks so much for always sharing such a positive perspective on life (through wonderful writing!),

    1. Wow, Kristina, you have inspired me to keep going no matter what. Thank you!

  6. We are just about to go on a trip and my kids are sick...hopefully on the mend. I feel your pain!
    Congrats on the marathon - you have achieved more than many people.


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