
I Can See Myself in Your Eyes

Come near to God and he will come near to you.
James 4:8

"I can see myself in your eyes." With her face inches from mine, my youngest whispered these words. She wouldn't have seen this reflection at a distance. It required proximity.

Sometimes God doesn't feel close to me. Instead He feels absent, away, adrift. In those times I remember the brush of His words in my heart and His movement in my everyday circumstances. I used to complain during those times; to blame Him for the lack of intimacy.

Now I know I need to move closer to Him to see my reflection in His eyes.

It is in moving closer I hear His heart beat. 
It is in pressing in I detect the His whisper of His love.

I need this for more than just me. My family needs me to stay near to God. Believe me. When I back away...It. Isn't. Pretty. 

I need to move closer to Him so He will be reflected in my eyes.

How close does God feel today? Do you dare to move closer to Him and see your reflection in His eyes?

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