
Is Your Quiet Time Noisy?

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts...and be thankful
Colossians 3:15

It was 5:45 this morning. Snuggled in my favorite chair, I was just diving into some time alone with God when a whirlwind burst through the bedroom door. Clara slid sideways through the door like Kramer from Seinfeld wearing a Minnie Mouse costume and smile as bright as the noonday sun. 

Part of my heart yearned to continue in a quiet place with God. The larger part won out. I matched her smile, threw open my arms and watched her run race speed from the door into my lap. I spent the remaining moments of my "quiet time" praying over her head and whispering words of blessing into her life.

As I did, I listed reasons in my head to be thankful for this moment:

Her energy infuses my heart.

Her enthusiasm dims the rough moments of my day.

Her effervescence fuels my attitude.

Sometimes quiet time isn't quiet. 

Do thoughts of work invade your space? 

Does your phone ring into your silence? 

Do errands demand your attention?

Spend a moment thankful for the interruption...

a job that provides for your family

an abundance of family and friends

a full life

Gratitude extends small moments with God into big changes in our heart. 


  1. isn't it amazing how much the right attitude can shape your day?! and an atitude of gratitude is the better perspective!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

    1. Well I'm only the mom to four so you're pretty much my hero! And you're so right that our attitude sets out day. I want to set it in Him!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amen! This is so true! Thank you for the reminder and perspective!

    1. Jamie, thanks so much for your visit. Most days I need all the perspective I can get! ha!

  4. What a sweet sweet picture of your "not so quiet" time!! Thank you for sharing....I needed that smile today.


    1. It is so tempting to be "selfish" with my quiet time. I want to hoard it for myself and not share it but really what is Jesus if not something to be shared with my precious ones?

  5. I know what you mean, Shannon. I usually wait to have my quiet time when my baby goes down for his nap so that I can have no interuptions. :-) It works for now...

    1. Oh the blessed naptime. I am missing that. I'm in the in between years when the youngest doesn't nap and doesn't go to school.

  6. what a great way to look at what usually annoys me!

    1. Kendal, I'm with you sister. Today was just a good day. Isn't it great how God can help us see our irritations and invitations.

  7. Working with gratitude has been making a tremendous difference in my life of late .. makes me stop, reevaluate and move on with more peace in my heart!

  8. A big Amen to that, Shannon! Every morning around 6:27am (yes, it's that exact) my Faith gets up for school and the first thing she does is run downstairs (still rubbing her sleepy eyes) so she can crawl into my lap, which coincidentally interrupts my quiet time with God. But I think it's pretty cool that she gets to see me having time with God (which is so important for her to witness) and also that she has routinely become a part of that special time. I'm fairly certain even God looks forward to her precious interruption. :) You're always in inspiration, my friend.

    Blessings to your day!

    1. Oh definitely. You know He loves looking at you nestled with your baby and loves getting to hold you both!

  9. I had to learn to see interruptions as sometimes Godly distractions. You never know what He can bring out of you and through you when He works through our children!

    1. Isn't it amazing how they are such big tools that God uses to mold and change us? Feel so blessed to have four of those "tools". :)

  10. Interuptions are a part of life, lucky for you that you have learned to fit them right in with your quiet time with God.

    1. You are so right. When we see interruptions as God weaving the story of our day interruptions become invitations to interact with Him.

  11. Never a dull moment around here! Sometimes I'll keep a pen and paper handy when I'm trying to pray. When thoughts of things I have to do interrupt me (which is often), I jot them down so I can forget them and refocus.

    1. That is a great tip and a strategy I also employ so I can testify to its' effectiveness. Thanks for sharing!

  12. I remember those interruptions...and I think if we reframe them, we see that they are exactly what our spirit needed!

    1. Oh Jennifer, that is so true. These moments are precious and I try to treasure every one!

  13. I love the title of this post! My quiet time is rarely quiet- I tried to wake up early to do it in silence, but my five-year-old literally wakes up around five o'clock and lays in his bed until he hears someone wake up- and then jumps out of bed, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. :) Sometimes it's better, though, to let them see you with your Bible, having a dedicated time with God, and knowing that they need to be quiet because it is important. I also often pray in the shower, because it is the ONLY truly quiet time I get! :)

    1. That sounds a lot like my house but so true that they learn so much just by watching their parents spend time with Jesus.

  14. I have absolute quiet time when the kiddo is fast asleep. Other than that, it can never be too quiet around here. :)

    1. Oh the coveted naptime... I remember it well. It is absolutely amazing the quiet that can fall over your heart and home when our precious little ones sleep. :)

  15. I love the silence and reading inspirational scriptures of the Bible to help me through the day. Sometimes I like the silence just so that I hear the words of the Lord. But this usually occurs early at the crack of dawn when everyone's asleep :) Thanks for the reminder that some things are so simple in life.

    1. Barbara, I feel peaceful just reading your words. Right now I'm sitting in a noisy Starbucks but it's amazing how He can meet us wherever we are! Thanks for sharing!

  16. I love peace and quiet... maybe it's because I work in a library? :)

    I get to have "me" time when my daughter's at her dad's for the weekend. Quiet time is important to me. That's when I get to recharge.

    1. Oh that is so funny. Libraries do tend to be quiet spots. I actually looked forward to studying in college because I loved the quiet of the library. I still do but now a "quiet" place can be noisy like Starbucks. Quiet is relative... :)


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