
What's New With You?

I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer.
1 Timothy 2:8

I see her feet dangle inside her red and yellow self-propelled plastic Cozy Coupe. Those feet grew and few inches and now press the pedals of a car which she is legally licensed to drive without the accompaniment of a parent. As the winds of fall dropped leaves from the trees, I counted.

Twenty trips with my baby girl seated to my right.

Six whispers from her heart together in the car.

Oh how I dreaded the passing of those precious conversations. I wondered how our relationship would change with her new found freedom. I longed to keep her fifteen but I delighted in watching her blossom into sixteen.

Sixteen came with an unexpected surprise. When she leaves and when she arrives she texts or calls. These moments are brief bursts of sunshine to my soul.

I wonder how our Heavenly Father feels when we begin a new phase of life.

New baby.

New job.

New ministry.

As we press our feet on the accelerator of life, we can choose to take Him with us into the new or leave Him behind in the old. Perhaps our new will bring with it more frequent check ins. Little puffs of prayer breathed into our new normal.

He's waiting by the phone. His heart flutters when our name lights up on the display of His heart. He wants to know what's new?


  1. As a parent who sees my children growing way too fast, this got me just a little choked up this morning. I can't even imagine giving my daughters the freedom of driving a car, but I know one day I'll have to step back and trust God to protect them and trust that I've done my job as their mother well enough that they'll know and desire to check in with me frequently...not just when life is difficult. On that note, given what my husband and I have just endured for the past three years, I was a little concerned that I'd quickly forget my need for God and His daily presence, comfort, and guidance. HE trained me well. Instead of forgetting and letting HIM sit on the back burner of my life, HE has actually become the primary thing I crave first thing in the morning, at the end of the day, and many many moments in between.

    Blessings to you and your motherhood journey, my friend.

    1. Rosann, isn't amazing how time seems to move so quickly. I want to treasure every moment.

  2. I remember when my son turned 16 and drove off for the first time! Hard but good!
    I like what you said about taking our Father with us or leave HIm behind in the old. I choose with me! Still learning to talk with HIM more and more.
    Thanks for sharing this. Blessings, Chelle

    1. Chelle, glad you're taking Him with you. He's great company! :)

  3. I am still trying to grasp how very much HE loves us and wants to hear from us. I call HIM so often.....

  4. Wow, hit so close to home! I have both of mine getting there license. Both wanting to leave and go off to college and the service. And 5 still too little for anything like that so I am not savoring it like I should! I was blown when I read "20 trips with my baby girl" AWE!!! I'm going to do better. As for me with the Lord, another home-run. I start a new job Tuesday and after not "working" outside the home for almost a decade now I need to keep Jesus on the "phone"! I am fearful of how it will be and hopeful knowing how much I will be able to help my family. Sigh* Thanks for your writing. You blessed.

    1. Thomasina, I'm so super excited about your new job opportunity! How thrilling!

  5. Hi Shannon,
    Lovely post........
    It reminds me of something I have come to see through out my life,
    that God never takes away more than He puts back. Life is a challenge with letting go of our children. New drivers 16 yrs. of age, sure keep a Mom on her knees! I remember only too well, and also remember the phone call of relief, once they reached their destination..... that was also when we got call waiting, so in case someone else called I wouldn't miss their call! lol
    So great to have connection with our growing children, it makes a Mom's heart sing for sure, all these difficult growing up stages,
    make us have to pry our hands lose and trust our Lord more, and
    the joy of watching them grow and fly is amazing, yet mournful at times, cause we miss those old times, but I have learned to keep my eyes on the fun new times ahead as I watch them soar, it is a beautiful thing indeed. Both of mine are married just this year,
    and what fun it is to watch them build a new life with their beloved spouses, and hey, we have gained 2 more precious adult children.........another bonus indeed, the Lord has doubled our
    Love to you sweetie, have a good week, praying for you as you
    are just getting started well into the growing up process...know you will do fine cause you are a wise Mom who loves the LORD.

    1. Oh Nellie, I just love this, "God never takes away more than He puts back." As I move through the stages of parenting I realize the truth of that statement more and more. Each stage has special joys associated with it.

  6. I'm convinced that God is thrilled when we spend time with Him! Nice post Shannon... many blessings prayed for you and your daughter during this new season! -Blessings Amy

    1. Amy, thank you so much for your sweet prayers. Truly as our children grow we return them to the Hands to Whom they belong. He is a far better caretaker.

  7. Great post Shannon! Something that I get to look forward to in the future. Even though my daughters are still young they're turning into young ladies so very quickly. My 8yr old acts like she's 15 sometimes. At the same time I'm beginning to see the impact that God is having on her life! It won't be long before she's planning to go to medical school. That's right she's 8 and already knows what she wants to do. She really does!

    1. Ross, that's fantastic! What a sweet and spunky little girl. God has great plans in mind for that one, I'm sure!

  8. Great post Shannon! Something that I get to look forward to in the future. Even though my daughters are still young they're turning into young ladies so very quickly. My 8yr old acts like she's 15 sometimes. At the same time I'm beginning to see the impact that God is having on her life! It won't be long before she's planning to go to medical school. That's right she's 8 and already knows what she wants to do. She really does!

  9. Hi Shannon - I have missed you (my fault). This is a lovely winsome post. My girls are 16 and 19 and the communication is certainly different but definitely precious. Holding onto every moment like its precious gold. Grateful that our Father always welcomes us home.
    God bless

    1. Love this, "Grateful that our Father always welcomes us home." So beautiful! Whether we've just out for an extended drive or a quick errand, He's waiting.

  10. So beautiful, this post. And how quickly that time goes!

    1. It's amazing, isn't it? I'm certain we skipped a couple of birthdays in there somewhere! lol


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