
Not Restored; Renewed

May your love and your truth always protect me.
Psalm 40:11b

Every time I looked at my hand it was like a thousand rainbows has descended from the sky and landed on my finger. When my sweetheart asked me to marry him, his invitation was accompanied by a ring so beautiful it seemed more a dream than his proposal. Its' beauty was more surface than sure, however, and after just eight years of marriage my setting needed serious repair.

The jeweler's evaluation was not positive. They could repair it but not restore it to its' original condition. My setting had been battered and would never return to the designer's intended level of beauty. Thankfully, my ring is insured and my insurance company is willing to protect its' investment. They will pay to have my setting replaced rather than risk the total loss of the stone set within.

My life was in need of serious repair. I had been battered and I could not return to my Designer's intended level of beauty. Thankfully, my life is insured and my Insurer is willing to protect His investment. He sent a Replacement for me to make my life something entirely new.

I want to I approach life like I value the gift of the Insurer. His invitation is accompanied by a life so beautiful it seems like a dream. I long to take the time to thank Him in moments both easy and stressful. I want to delight in the way His grace dances around and in my life like a thousand rainbows.

I seek to protect His investment. I desire to guard my words knowing they shape the beauty of my world. I want to hedge my family with prayer. I want to know His heart so He will revolutionize mine.

The Insurer does more than restore. He Re-News.


  1. Shannon, a smile opened up on my face as I was reading along! What a great illustration of God's renewal in our lives! Thank you! -Blessings, Amy

    1. Thanks, Amy. Hoping to have a renewed ring soon to match my renewed life! :)

  2. Hi Shannon,

    "My insurer is willing to protect his investment" -- I'm thankful he is a master Jeweler too. :)

    Regarding your comment on my site, I grinned at your comment. Yes, my pks have acted unruly at church too. Trying out the drum-set to look like dad, picking up a microphone, etc. Rascals. :) I'm glad they feel comfortable there though.

    Are you a pastor's wife then?

    Jennifer Dougan

    1. Yes, my hubby is the COO (Executive Pastor) of our church and our four little darlings definitely think they own the place (insert head shake...) :)

    2. BTW - have you heard of "A Pastor's Wife's Garden"? It's a new blog for pastor's wives that I joined. They have a FB page and a blog. I'd love to have you join us!

  3. Hi shannon,
    what a lovely and very true post. Amen and Amen, I can sing that same song as you. Where in the world would we be without Jesus,
    no place good I am sure................

    Hope you are doing well, and so glad you had your ring insured
    as well as your soul...........grace is a marvelous thing for sure.

    Blessings hon, Nellie

    1. Nellie, I love this, "so glad you had your ring insured as well as your soul." You make me smile!

  4. Beautiful analogy! As I was reading I was nodding in agreement, and thinking, God has invested so much of Himself in us! How much are we invested in His kingdom? Good food for thought. :-)

    1. How much are we invested in His kingdom? I want to be all in!

  5. Excellent writing! Got me thinking about what I should do to invest in Him more. Yes, He renews, no matter how shattered we are.

    1. Pepperific, love this - "He renews, no matter how shattered we are." So true and so beautiful!

  6. I love your post! Thanks for your visit! Have a great Wednesday! ;D

    1. Thanks, Yissele. Just seeing your smiling face has brightened my day! Thanks so much for your visit!

  7. Hi Shannon - I really love how you write. You get to the heart of the matter with ease. I too am grateful that the Lord considers us worthy of His investment
    God bless

    1. Awwww, thanks Tracy. I am blessed by our friendship!

  8. Love this. So glad Jesus invested in us at Calvary...even though we didn't deserve His love or sacrifice. Great post!

    1. Kelli, you are so right. He gave what we didn't deserve and could never purchase.

  9. So beautifully written... I love this analogy! Exactly what I needed to be reminded of today!! :)

    1. CreatedToBeBeautiful, so thankful God touched your heart and met you right where you are. He is so faithful!

  10. I just love this post, Shannon. xoxo

    1. Thanks girlie friend! I am super thankful for you!!!

  11. This was just a beautiful post and thank you so much for reminding me How God does re-new me.

    1. Susan, He uses you in my life to renew my heart!


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