
Is Life Puzzling You?

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

I went through three children before I got one who echoed my passion for puzzles. Working a puzzle is one of my favorite ways to spend an hour...or two...or three and has been since I was a small child.

There's something satisfying about watching something get created from nothing.

There's something gratifying about seeing the pieces fit together.

There's something delightful about witnessing a complete picture appear.

At 5, Carynne can match me piece for piece, hour for hour, puzzle for puzzle. Working puzzles is one way we connect and intertwine our hearts. I nearly always enjoy these times with her but occasionally she returns with this puzzle:

I don't care for this one. Its pieces don't stay together. Its free form lines make it difficult to follow. Its edges rise up when I want them to stay down.

I sometimes wish my life were as nice and tidy as working a puzzle. I'd like to just snap all the pieces together and have beauty come forth. I'd like to transform the table of my heart in an afternoon. 

The jigsaw of my life is somewhat more complicated because I have...

Missing Pieces

Isn't it disappointing when you get to the end of the puzzle and discover you have missing pieces? Even if 999 are present that single absent piece detracts. It draws my attention and focus. It distracts me from what I have accomplished and focuses my mind on what I lack.

I see my missing pieces - my inadequacies, my faults and failures. When my heart's eye centers on my lack, I become inward focused. Instead I need an upward focus. The object of my mind and heart should be God. He fills in my missing pieces.

Rough Edges

Some puzzles are cut with a lack of precision. The edges are haphazard and keep disconnecting from their neighbor. My rough edges have the same impact.

I can be short-tempered, impatient and lack compassion. These qualities break my connection with others. I need God's love to flood my heart. His has master precision. He knows exactly what pieces of my soul need a trim.

An Incomplete Picture

Have you ever tried to work a puzzle without the box top picture? This is measurably more challenging than having a guide. I have an incomplete picture of my life and my future.

God holds the box top. He's sees what I cannot see. I need His corrective lenses to mold and shape my heart.

God is the only One who can create something from nothing.

He is the only One who can fit the pieces of my life together.

He's the only One with a complete picture.

When I find my life puzzling, I need to spend less time thinking and more time praying. 

When I find my heart in pieces, I need to hide my heart in His and wait for Him to complete the picture.

His thoughts aren't mine but they are the answer to all life's puzzles.


  1. Beautiful. I need to always remember this, instead of getting frustrated. xo

    1. Wouldn't it be great if we could always remember to pause and pray before we get frustrated. So thankful for God's help!

  2. What a beautiful analogy! I don't know if I'll ever be able to work a puzzle again without thinking about God, but I suppose that's a good thing!

    1. :) An ordinary reminder of God's great mercy, love and presence in our lives. I love it!

  3. This is lovely. I hope you're considering writing these up some time (your posts) for publication purposes.

    1. That is so sweet and encouraging. Thank you. Right now I'm waiting on God to let me know when it's time to pitch a book. I'm in platform building mode. :)

  4. I like the part about the incomplete picture, I've been getting frustrated lately with not being able to "see everything" and I like your post, it's a reminder that I'm not SUPPOSED to be able to see everything and I need to remember that.

    1. Great perspective. We don't need to see because He does. :)

  5. This is good Shannon. I'm sitting here tonight trying to find my upward focus instead of thinking about things that I can't change. I needed to read this tonight because it is a good reminder for me. The words God gives you always seem to hit me in some way.
    Thank you for writing and for commenting on my blog.
    Blessings . . . Chelle

    1. What we can't, that's a big one, isn't it? I love your phrase "upward focus". You're definitely looking the right direction!

  6. We are similar with our "rough edges". I've found myself praying a lot lately. I need to do it much more! And isn't it true that we could have 999 pieces but that 1 little piece totally takes our focus away from the whole big picture!

  7. Yay, you did it! You wrote about puzzles! This is good teaching girl! I'm enjoying still today watching HIM put my pieces together! What a pleasure to have sisters to do this walk with! ~ Blessings out, Amy :)

    1. I did. Thanks for the inspiration! I needed some writing inspiration so you were quite literally an answer to prayer. Thank you so much!

  8. I really wish I could get a glimpse of that puzzle top every now and then just to know I'm on the right path!
    Love that you and your daughter do this together.

  9. I love this :) Puzzles can teach children about being patient, which seems to disappear nowadays in the busiest times. And we always rely on God to provide the necessary pieces to make our life puzzle complete.

    1. I hadn't thought of that angle. Our kids probably aren't nearly as patient as we were because they are growing so fast paced. Thankful life can slow down for me and my little one as we just enjoy being together. :)

  10. This is so true! I trust completely that HE has the overall view of how the pieces all fit together, but every once in awhile I wish HE would let me in on the secret.


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