
Lessons Learned on the Road - The Encouragement of Shade

We're continuing our series Lessons Learned on the Road with a guest post by Rachel Wojnaroski. Rachel inspires extraordinary faith for everyday living. She's a mother to seven, including a special needs child, so knows plenty about difficult moments in everyday life. If you need some encouragement in your ordinary life, I'd urge you to pop over to visit her often.

Also, I have some exciting news! Rachel's incredible book on prayer The Sensational Scent of Prayer is FREE on Amazon today. Click on the title to click over and order your copy!

Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad. 
Prov. 12:25 ESV

The sun beat down on my brow and drips of sweat forced their way under my sunglasses. The heat slowed my feet and the temps rose higher by the minute. When I ran a half marathon in the spring, the heat served as my biggest running enemy. I had trained through the rain, through the snow, through the cold, through all types of weather, but not much heat. On this particular day of running, the rising temps were offering no friendship either.

Then I saw it, like a beckoning oasis, the row of trees was on the opposite side of the street; but they called my name. I ran toward their bidding, anxious to cool down, battling to continue to run with every single step. In one short block, my body felt encouraged to keep moving. The high temps were temporarily relieved- simply due to the shade provided by one small row of trees.

Some of us run, some of us play tennis, and some of us crochet. There are those who speak from a platform, those who quietly write, and those who read. There's the loud one in the room, the silent smiler, and the steady, dependable average one. God created humans with such variety that each one is unique and individual. But there is one thing that each and every one of us has the power to do; it's the same power as that single row of trees.

Anyone can be an encourager.

Being an encourager doesn't take a certain skill set. There are no qualifications. No travelling requirements. No business cards necessary.

Someone coming by your row could be struggling against the heat; the temporary relief you provide could be just what they need to finish the race.

Giving someone a cheerful word is providing shade on the run of life.

Who needs your encouragement today?

Love this post? Catch up on the series:

Lessons Learned on the Road - Don't Look Back
Lessons Learned on the Road - Run the Race Marked Out for You
Lessons Learned on the Road - Rest Days Fuel Your Run
Lessons Learned on the Road - Don't Stop Breathing

Rachel Wojnarowski is originally a small town country girl who converted to a suburban mother of seven by way of life happening. She and her husband, Matt, enjoy caring for their busy family, whose ages span 9 months to 21 years and includes a special needs daughter. Rachel leads community ladies' Bible studies in central Ohio and serves as an event planner and speaker for special needs parenting groups. She is a member of the Ohio Writers' Guild and the National MPS Society; and loves to inspire others through her blog by sharing faith, family, and fun. Wife, mom, reader, writer, speaker and dreamer, you can find Rachel on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. Thanks so much for the opportunity to post. I love that God connects reader, writer, runner friends. :) Blessings to you today!

  2. Rachel, you are inspiring! Love your message and I downloaded your book. Thank you so much for making it free. Looking forward to learning more about you via your blog.

  3. Nice to "meet" you, Melanie! I appreciate your stop here. Enjoy the book. Blessings today!

  4. Incredible post, Rachel! You've encouraged me tonight.

  5. Blessed post, so nice to meet you Rachel, love the book!

  6. This is a beautiful post, and it's so true that we all have the ability to encourage and uplift others. So happy to see you here!

  7. It is so true that we can encourage people in everyday life. And most times it is might only be a small thing to us, but can be huge to the person who needs the encouragement. God's blessings to both of you!

  8. If we could be more encouraging to each other, the world would be a much "cooler" place!
    Thanks for sharing... and Shannon, thanks for sharing the post.

  9. Really inspirational message. Everyone could do with some encouragement some time or another. Thanks for the post.


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