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Today I am thrilled to welcome Katie Ganshert here. Her book
Wildflowers from Winter is a story of how God's grace triumphs over our pain. Love can bloom from the hurt in our lives. Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down! In this post, you'll see why I fell in love with her and her writing!
Katie Ganshert

My son is three years old and he’s not the best listener.
For awhile there, I was getting frustrated with him. I would speak and it was
like he didn’t even hear my voice.
Then one day, we’re all cuddled up on the couch, watching Richard
Scarry’s Busytown (gotta love Lowly worm) when this song came on.
“Stop, Look, and Listen.”
I fell in love with it right away. It was the tool I needed
to help my son become a better listener.
I told him that he needs to stop what he’s doing, look at my
face, and open his ears. That song taught my little man that he needs a posture
of listening in order to hear.
I found this all very profound.
Because how true is this when it comes to our spiritual
How often do we miss God’s voice because we’re too
distracted and too busy?
This song reminded me that hearing God speak in my life
meant I have to take on a posture of listening.
I need to stop.
In this go, go, go world, I need to make time for stillness
and for silence.
I need to look.
In this distracting world, I need to know where I can go to
find truth and sustenance. And that’s God’s Word. They start in Genesis and end
in Revelation.
I need to listen.
In the stillness and in the silence, I need to open my ears
in prayer and in meditation. I need to give the Holy Spirit the chance to
The more I take on this posture. The more I hear God’s
voice. The easier it is to recognize the next time it comes.
Let’s Talk: Do
you take time throughout the day to hear with your spiritual ears? What’s your
favorite way to do this?
Katie Ganshert is a slightly-frazzled, ever-inquisitive Midwest gal who’s passionate about Jesus, her family, writing, and all things romance. Her new novel WILDFLOWERS FROM WINTER is available for pre-order. When Katie’s not plotting ways to get her hero and heroine to fall in love, she enjoys watching movies with her real-life hero, playing make-believe with her wild-child of a son, hanging out with the crazy but lovable junior high students at her church, and chatting with her girlfriends over bagels and coffee.